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Continuous Improvement Project Destination What is the desired outcome? My students will always check the validity of information they find on the internet.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuous Improvement Project Destination What is the desired outcome? My students will always check the validity of information they find on the internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuous Improvement Project Destination What is the desired outcome? My students will always check the validity of information they find on the internet which is what their responsibility and what we call, digital citizenship. Why is that a desired outcome? My students may pass false information to others.

2 Current Context Vision- all students become critical thinkers and discuss the validity of information shared from the internet with respect and open-minded positivity. Currently, only a handful of my students share this vision. Mission-every student will cite their findings and report the validity of information for assignments everyday. This has only been integrated into 5 of my projects at this time the whole year so I will start with every assignment needing validity next school year. It is not currently part of my practice so my students are not as aware as they should be. Values-digital citizenship is our responsibility and people can get hurt in many ways if they have the wrong information. As of now, many students do not practice digital citizenship because passing on false information has not had any severe consequences in their lives. I will need to bring to light some stories and ask the school resources officer to discuss this with my students so they may value their responsibility in regards to digital citizenship. culture and climate-respectful discussions about the validity of information being passed on in my room will be the norm because it is the information being talked about not the persons involved. Some of my impacted students have received tickets for unlawful usage of social media and the resource officer has been into some of our teams classes to discuss this. Next year we will start off with these conversations as a team. Conflict resolution and guided questioning will be specific enough for some of my more impacted students so confusion is minimized. My students and I will be the key individuals in the relationship however, the librarian and members on my team will be included in some of my projects and they will role model my context as well.

3 Plan What do you want the target individual/group to know and be able to do? The target group are all of my students. They will either question information others share in their class presentations or cite the validity of where the information came from that they are sharing. How will you know if they know it? They will say or write their validations by citing the reputable site they found it at or the site they checked their information via etc. What will you do if they do NOT know it? If students do not follow the checklist or rubric for they will.... If they CANNOT do it? I will have them complete guided practice and redirect them to the checklist. What will you do if they DO know it? Students will receive credit.

4 PLAN- PART 2. Conflict Resolution (into and example of how discussions will be handled throughout the year with all assignment presentations.)Questioning the validity of other’s work can create conflict) Step 1—Gather information—I will teach students to cite their research and question information they share or submit for credit. I will start by showing the you tube video titled, Cats Drunk on Vodka. I will ask each student to share their thoughts about it. Step 2—Describe the problem—The ultimate problem is that some of them may believe it and try it on their pets. Some may think it is funny. Some will say it is mean. Some will say that no cat would ever drink vodka. Some would say that is fake. The problem is that some of the students do not have the background knowledge of having cats or trying vodka for that matter. Cats are finicky and vodka is strong in which animals would not drink on their own. The problem is that some of my students lack common sense and significant love/respect for living things so they may try it. Step 3—Describe a “Solution” and your Role—A discussion is the solution so that other points of view and perceptions may help to correct what the video is really showing (cats coming home from being sedated at the vet). Sometimes different values will cause conflict/arguments between students and especially between boys and girls when it comes to the caring of animals. The boys try to act tough and the girls get upset. Another problem could be that the students might not understand how it can be fake. The cats could have a neurological problem as mentioned in the blog below the video. If so, is it funny. Whomever made the video tried to change our perception of cats being drunk as they thought it was funny. I will discuss other options if students do not come up with them as the cats came home from the vet and were sedated. My role is to assist the students to analyze the video, try to understand it, and then find credibility in it. The students that question the video immediately are my leaders and I will mentor them to assist me with the other students that are more impacted to validate all information from then on.

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