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Posters 1.Turn to page 128 – 135 2.Define the vocabulary words for this section. 3.What is classical conditioning 4.What are the factors which go into.

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Presentation on theme: "Posters 1.Turn to page 128 – 135 2.Define the vocabulary words for this section. 3.What is classical conditioning 4.What are the factors which go into."— Presentation transcript:

1 Posters 1.Turn to page 128 – 135 2.Define the vocabulary words for this section. 3.What is classical conditioning 4.What are the factors which go into classical conditioning? 5.Who is Ivan Pavlov? What was he known for? 6.Provide 2 pictures.

2 Posters 1.Turn to page 135 – 144 2.Define all vocabulary words 3.What is Operant Conditioning? 4.Who is B.F. Skinner and what was his experiment? 5.What are the different types of Reinforcement and provide an example of each. 6.What is the difference between reward and punishment (as far as effectiveness) 7.One picture.

3 Posters 1.Turn to page 145 – 149 2.Define all vocabulary words 3.What are the different types of learning? 4.Who is Albert Bandura and what was he known for? 5.Describe the arguments for the effects of media violence on people. 6.What is the PQ4R method? Why is it effective? 7.2 Pictures of each.

4 Posters 1.Turn to page 154 – 160 2.Define all of the vocabulary 3.What are the 3 kinds of memory? Give an example of each. 4.What is the process for memorization? 5.What is the difference between context- dependent memory and state-dependent memory? How can each be useful? 6.Two pictures

5 Posters 1.Turn to page 160 – 173 2.Define all of the vocabulary words 3.Describe the 3 stages of memory and provide and example of each. 4.Describe the different types of forgetting and who they differ from each other. 5.Describe the methods you can improve your memory. 6.Two pictures

6 Posters 1.Turn to page 178 – 188 2.Define all of the vocabulary words 3.What are symbols? 4.What is problem solving? 5.What are the different problem-solving methods? 6.What are the ABCDE’s of problem solving? 7.1 picture

7 Posters Turn to page 189 – 194 1.Define all of the vocabulary words. 2.What is the difference between deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning? 3.What are methods to aid our judgment? 4.Describe the framing effect. 5.How can over-confidence effect our judgment? 6. Two pictures

8 Posters 1. Turn to page 195 – 201 2. Define all of the vocabulary words 3. What is language and the basic parts which create them? 4. Describe the stages of learning language. 5. How do we learn language? Include what effects our abilities to learn. 6. Why is it more important to learn a language early. (more than one reason) 7. Two pictures

9 Posters 1.Turn to page 386 – 395 2.Define all of the vocabulary words 3.What is the difference between eustress and distress? Give an example of each. 4.What are the sources of stress? 5.How can people respond to stress? 6.Two pictures

10 Posters 1.Turn to page 395 – 405 2.Define all of the vocabulary words. 3.What is General Adaptation Syndrome? What are the stages? 4. How does stress affect our body physically, mentally, and emotionally? 5. What are the defensive coping methods? Give an example of each? 6. What are the best ways to cope with stress? 7. One picture.

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