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MultiModal Project: Drew Dowell. Normal kid right?

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Presentation on theme: "MultiModal Project: Drew Dowell. Normal kid right?"— Presentation transcript:

1 MultiModal Project: Drew Dowell







8 Normal kid right?







15 Not right.



18 Recap...








26 Works Cited: “Barack Obama, Rolling Stone no. 1048, March 28, 2008. “ Photograph 10 March 2008. All Posters. Web. 10 November 2013. “Brad Pitt Covers Rolling Stone.” Photograph 10 December 2008. Just Jared. Web. 10 November 2013. “Brittany Spears Covers Rolling Stone.” Photograph 24 November 2008. Just Jared. Web. 10 November 2013. Dan. “New: Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev High School graduation photo. Photograph 19 April 2013. Riehl World View. Riehl World View Website. Web. 10 November 2013. Getty. “A person who was injured in an explosion near the finish line of the Boston Marathon is taken away from the scenewheelchair.” Photograph 16 April 2013. Boston Marathonexplosions: Pakistan Taliban says it was not behind bombs. The Telegraph. Web. 10 November 2013. Getty. “Bill Iffring fell when one of the bombs detonated. Shortly afterwards he got up and finished the race.” Photograph16 April 2013. Boston Marathon explosions: PakistanTaliban says it was not behind bombs. The Telegraph. Web. 10 November 2013.

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