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Transitioning to Middle School Math Cindy Simmons and Ashley Sparks.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning to Middle School Math Cindy Simmons and Ashley Sparks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitioning to Middle School Math Cindy Simmons and Ashley Sparks

2 5 th to 6 th Grade Transition There is a definite transition from 5 th to 6 th Grade Math: Textbooks Limited class time Emphasis on problem solving Fluency with multiplication facts Move from multiple strategies to traditional algorithms Daily homework Show all work Study Skills Note-taking

3 Expectations Students must actively participate in class with note-taking, discussion, independent study, collaborative study/small groups Students must consistently do their homework and take it seriously! Students must ask questions when they don’t understand a concept.

4 SO NOW WHAT? My child will be in 7 th grade next year….

5 Middle School Math The math curriculum has changed in our nation and especially in Alabama -Real World Application -College Entrance Expectations/Requirements -Overall math scores to compete with the world Most middle school students hit a “wall” in either 7 th or 8 th grade; for advanced students it’s usually 7 th grade- math has been easy and all of a sudden they have to work harder to master a concept

6 Homework Yes, homework matters! Homework grades are not given for every assignment, but homework is assigned as practice for a concept, typically gone over in class, corrected, and used for a study guide for a quiz/test. Students are expected to complete homework- this is not optional. This one aspect of the learning process is a major indicator of a student’s success!

7 10-30-60 Grading Scale 10% of a student’s grade- homework, classroom participation, classwork, exit slips, etc. 30% of a student’s grade- formative assessments such as daily/weekly quizzes, group activities, small projects, etc. 60% of a student’s grade- summative assessments such as tests and big projects

8 Can A Student Really Study Math? ABSOLUTELY! See handout Encourage your child to try different ways to study- what has always worked in the past may not be as effective now, and your child may not have ever thought of studying using some of the methods listed on the handout!

9 Helpful Websites Math Textbook Khan Academy IXL-Hoover Compass Learning

10 Questions

11 Template Provided By 500,000 Downloadable PowerPoint Templates, Animated Clip Art, Backgrounds and Videos

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