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Effective Presentations.  Practice delivering an effective presentation  Determine ways to manage tension and anxiety  Discuss effective presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Presentations.  Practice delivering an effective presentation  Determine ways to manage tension and anxiety  Discuss effective presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Presentations


3  Practice delivering an effective presentation  Determine ways to manage tension and anxiety  Discuss effective presentation techniques  Improve your ability to design and develop  Increase the effectiveness of your presentation delivery skills  Explore ways to handle difficult questions and people  Observe, give, and receive feedback on presentations





8 Dictates Self-Talk Direct Results The Event

9 Dictates Self-Talk Direct Results The Event Thoughts Positive or Negative Emotions Performance

10 Know what happens with your Body Know what to do

11 Planning Handouts Visual Aids Practicing Speakers Notes

12  Analyze  Design an Outline  Develop Content  Practice  Purpose or objective  Who is the Audience?  Topic or Subject  Setting and Environment  Introduction  Main Body  Conclusion  Specific facts, data and examples  Visual Aids  Speaking notes  When and how

13  Questions & Answers  Difficult People  Authority Figures  Handouts

14  Engaging  Energy  Educate  Enthusiasm  Emotion  Enlightening  Ending

15 Awards



18 Sophia Brooks and Carrie Cheley Global Learning Partners, Inc

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