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Welcome to Mrs. Wagner’s 1 st Grade Class! Please visit for class news and up-to-date information!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Wagner’s 1 st Grade Class! Please visit for class news and up-to-date information!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Wagner’s 1 st Grade Class! Please visit for class news and up-to-date information!

2 My Educational Philosophy As a teacher it is my responsibility, joy and privilege to show and extend love and respect to my students. By creating a fun, exciting, socially and emotionally safe learning environment, my students will be motivated to explore and learn to their fullest potential. It is my responsibility to know who my learners are, what kinds of knowledge and experience they bring to the group, what their individual needs may be and what they want to achieve. Only then can I be an effective teacher for them. In first grade we take risks, make mistakes, value good manners, learn to be responsible and respectful, embrace challenges and above all, have fun!

3 My Discipline Policy  Classroom Rules: In order for our classroom to provide an atmosphere the students deserve with an excellent education, we will have classroom rules. Here are 4 simple rules that all students must follow. They are as follows: 1. Use good manners in words such as ‘please ‘ and ‘thank you’ 2. Listen carefully and follow directions. 3. Work and play safely. 4. Use kind words and show kind behavior.  Classroom Discipline Plan : I use a color coding behavior chart split up into 7 levels. The levels are as follows: Red-Outstanding Orange-Great Job Yellow- Good day Green-Ready to Learn Blue-Think about it Purple-Teacher Choice Pink- Parent Contact. At the beginning of each school day the children will start at green. They have the opportunity to move up or move down according to the behavior they demonstrate. There will be a daily behavior chart sent home for parents to review.  PLEASE CHECK AND SIGN THIS EVERY DAY!

4 Help your child to become independent!  Let him or her enter school by him/herself and unpack for the day!  Let him/her wait for you in the car line without you getting out of your car!  Let him/her show you his/her spelling words.  Have him/her choose books to read to you at home. Join the public library!  Have him/her carry out chores at home that can be done independently.

5 Dress Code!  Belts should be worn now that the students in 1 st grade! Belts do not have to be worn with skirts or skorts.  Socks should be white, blue or red  No leggings  Polo shirts should have the TMSA logo. PLEASE CHECK THE SCHOOL HANDBOOK FOR FURTHER DETAILS!

6 Tardies and Absences!  Tardy students should be signed in at the office. Period 1 starts at 7.55am.  The school has a policy for tardies..please see the TMSA handbook.  Please let me know if your child will be absent, you can email me or write me a note. You can also email Mrs. Arias.

7 Syllabus Content and Grades  Last week I sent you the syllabus, please review and let me know if you have any questions!

8 Homework Expectations  There will be a weekly pack: it is given on Monday and it is due in on Friday.  Students should spend 15 to 20 minutes per day reading to an adult. Your child will bring home a monthly reading calendar from September onwards.  My students need to practice their spelling words each afternoon, to be ready for their test on Friday.  On weekends, play board games or card games together; practice simple math skills and READ, READ, READ!

9 On Fridays…  Homework is due  The ‘Take Home Folder’ comes home  There will be a spelling test  There will be a reading test  There may be a math test

10 Useful Websites  Mrs. Wagner’s website (please add it to your favorites!):  Websites for my students:     

11 TUTORING  Please wait for me to contact you about tutoring,  Tutoring is reserved for students working BELOW GRADE LEVEL!  Remember that tutoring is not a ‘club’  After I have assessed my students I will identify the children who are working below grade level and invite them to stay for tutoring  I am hoping that my tutoring days will be Monday and Thursday.

12 Clubs  Soon you will hear about the day that you can sign-up online for clubs. It should be next week.  My proposed club is a Math Club for first grade, and I hope it will take place on Tuesday.  Clubs and tutoring will NOT be happening on Wednesdays and Fridays, which are the days reserved for staff meetings and professional development.

13 Any Questions?

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