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Labour Market Sweden Nordic Meeting Espoo, August 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Labour Market Sweden Nordic Meeting Espoo, August 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labour Market Sweden Nordic Meeting Espoo, August 2011

2 Union behavior during the new millenium Local bargaining Handels Unionen

3 Union strategies Union Top 3 1.Full time work a right, part time work a possibility 2.Secure employment – less temporary contracts 3.More union/employee influence over working time

4 Union coordination on Nordic level Yes ? Handels Unionen

5 Salary raise 2010 - 2012 RetailWholesale Lump sum972 SEK829 SEK Percentage raise3,85% 3,55% 20102011 Percentage raise0,9%2,6% Individual guarantee112 SEK280 SEK Handels Unionen

6 Benchmarking Sectoral The Swedish Hotel and Restaurant Association Cross-sectoral Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

7 Full Time Work Collective agreement 2012 Election 2010 Election 2014 Collective agreement 2010

8 Full Time Work Consequenses if Full Time Work becomes a right for everyone ■Increased unimployment ■More working time scheduled on evenings and weekends ■Customer service would deteriorate ■Difficulties in adjusting working hours to costumer influx ■Unfair competition ■A more narrow retail labour market ■All time high for temporary agencies

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