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Assessing Ambient Air Quality James Payne Morongo Band of Mission Indians.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing Ambient Air Quality James Payne Morongo Band of Mission Indians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing Ambient Air Quality James Payne Morongo Band of Mission Indians

2 2 Introduction What is the quality of ambient air affecting our reservation? What methods and tools can we use to check our airshed?

3 3 Overview Particulate matter (PM) Vocabulary Monitors Process

4 4 Particulate Matter

5 A complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets Hair cross section (70 µm) PM 2.5 (2.5 µm) PM 10 ( 10µm ) Human Hair (70 µm diameter) Particulate Matter: What is It?

6 6 Vocabulary Size of particles Micrometer (µm) = 0.000001 meter PM 10 = 10 micrometers and smaller PM 2.5 = 2.5 micrometers and smaller

7 7 Vocabulary (cont.) Mass of particles Microgram (µg) = 0.000001 gram Analytical microbalance Weighs to 0.0001 grams Gram = weight of paper clip

8 8 Vocabulary (cont.) Flow of air through monitor: Cubic feet per minute (cfm or ft 3 /min) Liters per minute (liters/min) Concentration Micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m 3 )

9 9 Vocabulary (cont.) Meteorological factors Air temperature Fahrenheit ( o F ) Celsius ( o C) Barometric pressure Uncorrected (or actual) Station Pressure P Stg = inches of pressure on a water column Digital barometer Relative humidity

10 10 Vocabulary (cont.) Federal Reference Method (FRM) Federal Equivalency Method (FEM) Colocation Filter/filter tape Quartz microfiber Glass microfiber

11 11 Monitors Partisol

12 12 Monitors HiVol & MiniVol 12

13 13 Monitors Beta Attenuation Monitor (BAM)

14 14 Monitors Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) 14

15 15 Monitors Speciation Images: MetOne Images: Thermo

16 16 Monitors Nephelometer Image: Ecotech Image: NOAA

17 17 Gravimetric Lab Facility certified by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate controlled Weighs filters on microbalance Reports results to tribal office

18 18 Filter Handling for Filter- Based Monitoring Wear surgical gloves (powder-free) Use forceps (similar to tweezers) Utilize a field blank

19 19 Steps for Filter-Based Monitoring Dry filter at 105° for 24 hours (lab) Pre-weigh filter (lab) Filter shipped to air program Install filter in monitor according to EPA monitoring schedule (air program) Run for 24 hours (air program)

20 20 Steps for Filter-Based Monitoring (cont) Collect filter & ship to lab (air program) Dry filter again (lab) Post-weigh filter (lab) Lab sends weight results to air program Calculate particulate concentration in µg/m 3 (air program)

21 21 Summary When we finish the next demo and activity we will know How a filter based-monitor functions How to calculate amount of PM 10 in air during 24-hour run

22 22 Future Training ITEP courses Tribal Air Monitoring Support (TAMS) Center, Las Vegas, NV Regional EPA training & technical support Air Pollution Training Institute (APTI) in Research Triangle Park (RTP), NC California Air Resources Board (CARB) State Department of Air Quality training

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