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Sketching Multiview Drawings

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1 Sketching Multiview Drawings

2 Multiview Drawing A multiview drawing is one that shows two or more two-dimensional views of a three-dimensional object. They provide the shape description of an object. When dimensioned, multiview drawings serve as a main form of communication between designers and manufacturers.

3 Multiview Drawing

4 Width, Depth, and Height All three-dimensional objects have:
width, height, and depth. Width is associated is side-to-side Height is top-to-bottom. Depth is front-to-back.

5 Width, Depth, and Height

6 Sketching Multiview Drawings
Introduction to Engineering DesignTM Unit 1 – Lesson 1.2 – Intro to Technical Sketching Width, Depth, and Height Height Depth Width Front View Top View/Plan Right Side View Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2007

7 Orthographic Projection
Orthographic projection is a technique that is used to create multiview drawings.

8 Orthographic Projection
The orthographic projection is to imagine an object contained inside a glass box.

9 Projection Plane There are six glass walls surrounding the object. Each wall represents a projection plane. The projection plane is the surface onto which a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional object is projected and created.

10 Orthographic Projection
Start by focusing only on the front projection plane. Standing in front of the object you would see only the five corners identified in black. 3 4

11 Orthographic Projection
Lay out the over all size of the Top, Front, and Right Side views Projection Line (45o line) 3 4

12 Orthographic Projection
Draw in the major features from each view

13 Orthographic Projection
Project features from one view to another

14 Orthographic Projection
Add final features

15 Orthographic Projection

16 Sketching a Multiview Drawing
Step #1: Draw the Orthographic Box Step #2: Draw the surfaces that touch the box Step #3: Draw the rest of the surfaces Step #4: Add hidden and center lines (no tonal shading)

17 Step #1 Draw the Orthographic Box
Calculate the amount of space that the views will take up based on W H D. Vertically D 3 H Horizontally W 3 D Layout the boxes within which the individual views will occur using points and construction lines.

18 Step #1 Draw the Orthographic Box

19 Sketching Multiview Drawings
Introduction to Engineering DesignTM Unit 1 – Lesson 1.2 – Intro to Technical Sketching Step #2 Surfaces that Touch the Box From every end of every line, draw construction lines to the other two views, using the projection line between top and right Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2007

20 Step #3 Draw the Rest

21 Sketching a Multiview Drawing
Step #1: Draw the Orthographic Box Step #2: Draw the surfaces that touch the box Step #3: Draw the rest of the surfaces Step #4: Add hidden and center lines (no tonal shading)

22 Sketching Multiview Drawings
Introduction to Engineering DesignTM Unit 1 – Lesson 1.2 – Intro to Technical Sketching A Question… Each of the blocks at right has the same overall dimensions and color. What else do they have in common? Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2007

23 They all have identical top views!
The Answer… Each of the blocks at right has the same overall dimensions and color. What else do they have in common? They all have identical top views!

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