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Preview 9/10: Meeting Someone for the First Time In you notebook, describe the first time you met a new group of people (incoming Freshman, teammates,

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Presentation on theme: "Preview 9/10: Meeting Someone for the First Time In you notebook, describe the first time you met a new group of people (incoming Freshman, teammates,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preview 9/10: Meeting Someone for the First Time In you notebook, describe the first time you met a new group of people (incoming Freshman, teammates, distant relatives, a new family on the block, etc …) minimum 5 lines – What happened? What was your first impression? – How did you feel? – Why did you feel this way? – Did your first impressions change over time?

2 1. Share your reflection with a partner. 2. Circle where they used the words that describe their feelings. 3. At the end of their story, write a sentence to tell them what you like about their story. Think - Pair - Share I really like your reflection because you use a lot of details. - Mr. Ackerman

3 During Activity - Slide Show Analysis: European and Native American Encounters 1.Closely examine the images in the slide show. 2.In you notebook, describe the scene taking place. Write as many details as possible 3.Circle any details that are similar in each image. 4.What patterns do you see in these images?

4 Slide Show Analysis: European and Native American Encounters ImageScene Description 1. 2. 3.

5 Landing of Christopher Columbus, engraving by H. B. Hall, 1856. (Gilder Lehrman Collection)

6 The Landing of Henrick Hudson, 1857. (Gilder Lehrman Collection)

7 De Soto's Discovery of the Mississippi, 1541. (Johnson, Fry & Co., 1858). (Gilder Lehrman Collection)

8 Slide Show Analysis: European and Native American Encounters SimilaritiesDifferences

9 In his journal, Columbus recorded that they “asked us if we had come from heaven” and called them “the best people in the world, and the gentlest.” He also, however, made note of his plan “with force... subjugate the whole island.” Columbus’ Account of the Encounter

10 The logbook of Hudson’s ship records the landing, “Our men went on Land there, and saw great store of Men, Women and Children,” and notes that the “people of the countrie” were “very civill” and “very glad of our coming.” Hudson’s Account of the Encounter

11 Journal Writing: Encounters Write a journal entry from the perspective of the Native Americans.

12 Example After Activity Example The Exit Slip! – One Word Summary In one word, describe how first impressions may have affected the relationships between Native Americans and Europeans?

13 On a sheet of paper to hand in (50 points): Choose from one of the following: 1.Visual Aid - draw a visual aid that will help you remember the similarities and differences between the landings of Columbus, De Soto, and Hudson. 2.Political Cartoon / Illustration - create a political cartoon / illustration that represents the landings of Columbus, De Soto, and Hudson. 3.Acrostic Poem - Use the letters of the words landings of Columbus, De Soto, and Hudson to describe the encounters.

14 Columbus Hudson De Soto

15 Political Cartoon / Illustration of Encounter Include an explanation of the message of your political cartoon. What does it mean?


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