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Christopher Columbus and Transatlantic Encounters.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Columbus and Transatlantic Encounters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Columbus and Transatlantic Encounters

2 Columbus Crosses the Atlantic In 1492, Columbus’ seafaring voyage, landed in the “New World” He was startled at the generosity of the Taino Indians. Two worlds collided. He named the island San Salvador and claimed it for Spain.

3 Why did Columbus embark on his journey? Gold – He searched for gold on every island he explored. Land – He named every island he explore, named it and claimed it for Spain. Religion – He planted a cross every place he entered.

4 The Impact of European Contact on Native American Colonization – the establishment of outlying settlements that are controlled by the parent country Disease  European brought measles, mumps, chickenpox, typhus, and others  Native, who had not developed immunity to these diseases, died in droves.

5 Impact on Africans The slave trade  In 1515, the first sugar shipment from the Americas arrived in Europe  The demand for sugar would increase demand for slaves.  African slaves were preferred due to their immunity to European diseases

6 The Impact on Europeans Inflamed national rivalries.  Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494.

7 Columbian Exchange The global transfer of goods between Europe, Africa and the Americas

8 Point/Counter Point On page 32, read the point/counterpoint regarding the legacy of Columbus. Write a paragraph expressing your position about Columbus’ legacy.

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