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British – Rivalry 4-3. Rivalry reaches the Colonies British colonists expanding west encounter French trappers and their Native American allies Native.

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Presentation on theme: "British – Rivalry 4-3. Rivalry reaches the Colonies British colonists expanding west encounter French trappers and their Native American allies Native."— Presentation transcript:

1 British – Rivalry 4-3

2 Rivalry reaches the Colonies British colonists expanding west encounter French trappers and their Native American allies Native American alliances will have an impact in the power struggle between the British and French Many Native Americans assisted the French by attacking English settlements

3 Iroquois Confederacy Most powerful Native American group – Located in the New York area – Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, and Onondaga As the British press into the Ohio River Valley trade rights are issued to the colonists and the power between France and Britain is off set in the colonies

4 Colonists Take Action 1753 George Washington sent into Ohio Country to tell the French they are trespassing – French told him they planned to control the entire territory – 1754 Washington made Lieutenant of the Virginia Militia Washington moves into the Ohio River Valley and establishes Fort Necessity

5 Colonists Take Action contd. Washington encounters a much larger French force in the territory – Washington attacks anyway – French surround his force and Washington surrenders only to later be released – Colonists view him as a war hero for his bravery – Washington’s defeat began a series of clashes that would become known as The French and Indian War

6 The Albany Plan of the Union 1754 Reps. From New England, New York, PA, and Maryland met to discuss possible war – Wanted a defense plan – Wanted an alliance with the Iroquois Ben Franklin suggests The Albany Plan of the Union – One general government – Rep Gov could collect taxes, raise troops, and regulated trade No colonies supported the plan

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