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How to plug in worldKit for a slick web interface for MapServer or any WMS and other interesting things mikel maron Open Source Geospatial.

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Presentation on theme: "How to plug in worldKit for a slick web interface for MapServer or any WMS and other interesting things mikel maron Open Source Geospatial."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to plug in worldKit for a slick web interface for MapServer or any WMS and other interesting things mikel maron Open Source Geospatial '05 Minneapolis, MN

2 World as a Blog Weblogs. com + GeoURL + RSS + Flash + Earth http :// brainoff. com / geoblog /

3 worldKit A flash based application to build interactive maps from RSS feeds. http :// brainoff. com / worldkit /

4 Geocoded RSS <rss version=”2.0” xmlns:geo=""> Taqueria Vallarta Get a super veggie burrito 36.97175 -122.025373 http :// brainoff. com / worldkit / doc / rss. php

5 Atom with Geotags Taqueria Vallarta Get a super veggie burrito geo:lat=36.97175 geo:long=-122.025373

6 config.xml and features 695 550 day bluemarble.jpg /weblogs/blogtalk/index.xml false 0 60 0xcc55ff 0xFFFF44 0xFFFFFF 0x11cc00 0xffaa00 0x22aaFF 0xff0022 0x000099 8 12 circle 100 48.2305 16.3319 48.1827 16.4203 /cgi-bin/moveabletype/mt.cgi?blogtalk=1&is_bm=1&bm_show=keywords,category&__mode=view&_type=entry

7 JRC Online Tsunami Simulator http :// tsunami. jrc. it / model /

8 Woody's Kayak Trips http :// www. kayaktrips. net / geo /

9 History of Urbanization http :// brainoff. com / worldkit / population /

10 But is it Open Source?

11 Flash

12 Mapserver and Flash http :// dl. maptools. org / dl / FlashMapserverUserDoc. html http :// mapserver. gis. umn. edu / cgi - bin / wiki. pl ? MapserverFlash

13 WorldKit Mod to mapswf.c http :// tinyurl. com /8 lkxj http :// brainoff. com / worldkit / scratch / mapswf. c

14 WMS and worldKit <swftemplate category="landsat" id="landsat3" tilewidth="376" tileheight="188" extent="-180,-90,180,90" spanx="16" spany="16" minview="4" maxview="50000" minscale="8" maxscale="16"> request=GetMap&width=376&height=188 &layers=modis,global_mosaic &styles=&srs=EPSG:4326&format=image/jpeg &bbox=WEST,SOUTH,EAST,NORTH

15 GML http :// brainoff. com / worldkit / scratch / gml /


17 osgeo http :// mapufacture. com / map. php ? mapid =58 http :// del. icio. us / rss / tag / osgeo + geotagged /

18 Thanks!

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