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SAA Preservation Section, 20111 Equalizing Preservation and Security Collections Protection at Every Level Brittany Turner.

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Presentation on theme: "SAA Preservation Section, 20111 Equalizing Preservation and Security Collections Protection at Every Level Brittany Turner."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAA Preservation Section, 20111 Equalizing Preservation and Security Collections Protection at Every Level Brittany Turner

2 SAA Preservation Section, 20112 Preservation Noun. 1. Protecting materials by minimizing chemical and physical deterioration and damage to minimize the loss of information and to extend the life of cultural property. 2. The act of keeping from harm, injury, decay, or destruction, especially through noninvasive treatment. 3. The obligation to protect records and other materials potentially relevant to litigation and subject to discovery. A Glossary of Archival & Records Terminology Richard Pearce-Moses © 2005

3 SAA Preservation Section, 20113 Security Noun. Measures taken to protect materials from unauthorized access, change, destruction, or other threats. Related Terms: Authorization Preservation A Glossary of Archival & Records Terminology Richard Pearce-Moses © 2005

4 SAA Preservation Section, 20114 Is there a difference? Preservation ≥ Security Security is an obligation, not an “extra.” Preservation Perspective of Security Patkus, Beth Lindblom. "Collections Security: A Preservation Perspective." Journal of Library Administration 25.1 (1998): 67–89.

5 SAA Preservation Section, 20115 Making It Work Different types of collections and institutions have different needs and Different resources $$$ Staff Time Facilities “Archival security is like fashion. There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all.” - Tim Gunn?

6 SAA Preservation Section, 20116 Making It Work Consider the needs of your environment Risk Assessments Be Realistic Focus on the Highest Risks Insider Theft? Researcher Theft? Outsider Theft? Inaction/Inconsistency!

7 SAA Preservation Section, 20117 Baby Steps Low-Cost/No-Cost (But *BIG* Impact!) Establish Policies & Procedures and… Enforce them! Be prepared to assert yourself Identify gaps Document everything!!! Know who is accessing your collections Create/monitor routines Collaborate Training and support Plan for security improvements: think small but be mindful of future opportunities and potential setbacks.

8 SAA Preservation Section, 20118 Discussion security responsibilities = One component of preservation activities No less important than climate control, proper handling, or conservation treatments. By adopting a “preservation perspective” of security, your organizational culture will begin to prioritize holdings protection. Challenges What are your barriers to prioritizing security? How can they be overcome? Do they need to be overcome? What has worked for you? What hasn’t?

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