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Presentation on theme: "DOS PALOS-ORO LOMA JUSD RE-ORGANIZATION PROS AND CONS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION December 2007."— Presentation transcript:


2 K-5 PRO’S Information from School Sites 1.Opportunity to apply for Distinguished School (DPE) 2.Administration supports teaching philosophies (DPE) 3.Parents and students have continuity on the campus (DPE) Teacher-parent contact Teacher collaboration across grade levels Safe and familiar environment Consistent instruction 4. No moving costs: money or time (DPE)

3 K-5 PRO’S (continued) Information from School Sites 5. Having older students can positively influence younger students (DPE) Cross-age tutors Reading buddies Audience fro Readers Theater and other performances Younger students can anticipate future experiences 6. Fewer classrooms on 1 st / 2 nd grade level allows intervention to service more students (DPE) 7. Allows continuation of common teaching philosophies/strategies which have proven to be successful (DPE)

4 K-5 PRO’S (continued) Information from School Sites 8. Grade levels have disaggregated scores and developed specific strategies/instruction for improvement on State tests (DPE) 9.Grade level planning days (DPE) Proven to be very valuable Collaboration in a large group (10+) will be difficult Finding Subs for larger grade levels will be very difficult 10. No money spent on additional remodeling to accommodate younger students (DPE) 11. Provides greater vertical grade level continuity (OLS)

5 K-5 CON’S Information from School Sites 1.Possible loss of home resale value due to school performance (Marks)

6 K-2, 3-5 PRO’S Information from School Sites 1.Redistribution of students will equalize role models (Marks) 2.Easier to mainstream Special Education students with more classes per grade level (Marks) 3.Less grade levels could create more focused intervention (DPE)

7 K-2, 3-5 CON’S Information from School Sites 1.Testing one grade level affects accountability performance (DPE) 2.Many teachers on grade level may affect collaboration (DPE) 3.Involuntary transfers may create teacher departure resulting in loss of consistency and experience (DPE) 4.Smaller classrooms (size-square footage) of Marks create difficult situation 3-5 (DPE) 5.The re-combination of teachers will create norming, storming, conforming, and performing concerns (DPE) 6.Possible dissention among professionals (DPE) 7.Parents with children at different schools had difficulty picking up students (Marks)

8 Additional Information Migration numbers by site - Chart #1 2006-07 - % of students not enrolled continuously since first day of school August 17, 2006. K1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th DPE35%17% 19%14%17% Marks7%15%10% 18%20% OL6%17%11%10%22%29%

9 Additional Information (continued) Percentage of students who have parents requiring correspondence in Spanish (2007- 08) - Chart #2 K1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th SITE TOTAL DPE39%36%41%33%37%39%38% Marks47%53%49%43%46%54%48% OL93%70%74% 83%76%78%

10 Additional Information (continued) Proportionate numbers by grade for CELDT level Chart # 3 Beginning Early Intermediate Early Advanced DPE3.3%9.4%16.6%5.4%2.9% Marks3.7%6.3%16.6%9.2%2.9% OL4.9%15.2%15.7%7.8%3.9% Percent of GATE students per site – Chart # 4 Enrollment# GATE Students % GATE Students DPE603243.98% Marks429163.72% Oro Loma17921.11%

11 Additional Information (continued) How many students are not at Marks who should be according to boundary and how many were Proficient / Advanced? Chart # 5 Level of students who have requested a School of Choice MATHELA 2005-062006-072005-062006-07 Far Below Basic2211 Below Basic0202 Basic3444 Proficient3634 Advanced3337

12 Additional Information (continued) Loss of revenue for Marks due to re- organization / school of choice Chart # 6 2002-032003-042004-05 MarksDPEMarksDPEMarksDPE Lottery $ 42,980$43,790$38,792$50,299$37,826$47,641 Title I $233,702$244,981$218,982$283,979$216,975$249,091 School Based $104,761$104,073$86,964$112,783$91,564$98,949 TOTAL $381,423$392,844$344,738$477,061$346.365$395,681

13 Scenario #1: 2 K-5’s (Current Configuration)  Marks Elementary  Marks Elementary has current CBED enrollment of 422 regular education students.  19/28 classrooms are currently being utilized for regular education.  Since only 19 classrooms are being utilized, there is 1 vacant classroom and the flexibility to use 8 other classrooms for alternative programs including Special Education.  Currently extra classrooms are being used for:  1) Reading Recovery  2) Parent Room  3) AIM Coaches Room  4) RSP  5) CELDT  6) Computer Lab  7) Special Day Class  8) Print Shop

14 Scenario #1: 2 K-5’s (Continued)  Dos Palos Elementary  DPE has current CBED enrollment of 612 regular education students.  28/36 classrooms are being utilized for regular education.  Since only 28 classrooms are being utilized, there is the flexibility to use 8 other possible classrooms for alternative programs including Special Education.  Currently extra classrooms are being used for:  1) Special Day Class  2) Literacy  3) Computer Lab  4) RSP  5) Intervention  6) CELDT  7) Media Book Storage  8) Parent Coordination Room

15 Scenario #2: P-2 / 3-5  Dos Palos Elementary, The P-2 School  Dos Palos Elementary would have 544 students as a K-2 school.  27-28 classrooms would be necessary to hold these students.  Since 27-28/36 classrooms will be utilized, there is still flexibility to hold the current 8 alternative programs at this site.  Would all programs be necessary at this site as a K-2 school?  The Preschool would remain on the Dos Palos Elementary campus. With an enrollment of 90 students they currently occupy 3 State Preschool classrooms.  Marks Elementary, The 3-5 School  Marks Elementary would have 490 students as a 3-5 school.  19-20 classrooms will be necessary to accommodate these students.  Since only 19-20/28 classrooms would be utilized, Marks could preserve the 8 alternative programs using the 8-9 extra classrooms.  No additional portables would need to be purchased.

16 Scenario #3: K-2 / P, 3-6  Marks Elementary, The K-2 School  Marks Elementary would have 544 students as a K-2 school.  27-28 classrooms would be necessary for regular education.  Since 27-28/28 classrooms will be needed for regular education, there is not capacity for the current 8 alternative programs. 8 new portables would need to be purchased and/or taken from DPE in order to accommodate these programs.  Would all programs be necessary at this site as a K-2 school?  Dos Palos Elementary, The P, 3-6 School  DPE would have 681 students as a 3-6 school.  26-28 classrooms would be necessary to accommodate these students.  Since only 26-28/36 classrooms would be utilized, then DPE could preserve its current 8 alternative programs.  However, DPE could only give at most, 2 portables to Marks Elementary to help support its 8 current programs. So 6-8 portables may have to be purchased in order to give Marks extra classrooms as it will be at capacity as a K-2 school.  Currently, the preschool is located on the DPE campus with an enrollment of 90 students occupying 3 State Preschool classrooms. If the preschool program were to move to Marks Elementary to make a P-2 site, the program’s current portables would also have to move.

17 Scenario #4: K-3 / P, 4-6  Marks Elementary, The K-3 School  Marks Elementary would have 726 K-3 students.  36 classrooms would be necessary for regular education.  Since 36 classrooms will be needed for regular education, there would be a need of 8 additional portables for K-3 students, and up to 8 more if all current programs are to be preserved.  Only 4 portables can be moved from DPE, so at least 12, and up to 16 portables would need to be purchased.  DPE, The P, 4-6 School  Dos Palos Elementary would have 499 students as a 4-6 school.  17 classrooms would be necessary for regular education.  Since only 17/36 classrooms would be utilized, then DPE could preserve its current 8 alternative programs and have 11 vacant rooms.  However, only 4 of the 11 are portable and could be moved to Marks.  Currently, the preschool is located on the DPE campus with an enrollment of 90 students occupying 3 State Preschool classrooms. If the preschool program were to move to Marks Elementary, the program’s current portables would also have to move.

18 Scenario #4 (Cont): K-3 / P, 4-6  Dos Palos Elementary, The P-3 School  Dos Palos Elementary would have 726 K-3 students.  36 classrooms would be necessary for regular education.  Since 36/36 available classrooms will be needed for regular education, an additional 8 portables would be needed to maintain the current 8 alternative programs. This could be done by either purchasing 8 new portables or by taking 3 vacant portables from Marks and purchasing 5.  Marks Elementary, The 4-6 School  Marks Elementary would have 499 students as a 4-6 school.  17 classrooms would be necessary for regular education.  Since only 17/28 classrooms would be utilized, then Marks could preserve all 8 of its current alternative programs and have 3 vacant classrooms.  The Preschool would remain on the Dos Palos Elementary campus. With a current enrollment of 90 students they currently occupy 3 State Preschool classrooms.

19 Scenario #5: K-1 / P, 2-5  Marks Elementary, The K-1 School  Marks would have 348 K-1 students.  18 classrooms would be necessary for regular education.  Since only 18/28 classrooms would be needed, Marks could preserve its current 8 alternative programs and have 2 vacant rooms.  Dos Palos Elementary, The 2-5 School  DPE would have 686 2-5 students.  31 classrooms would be necessary for regular education.  Since 31/36 classrooms would be needed, DPE could only support 5/8 of its current programs and would need to purchase more portables and/or take the 2 vacant portables from Marks Elementary.  Currently, the preschool is located on the DPE campus with an enrollment of 90 students occupying 3 State Preschool classrooms. If the preschool program were to move to Marks Elementary, the program’s current portables would also have to move.


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