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Federal Aviation Administration AOC/FOC Interface for Data Comm Production System To: DCIT AOC WG From: Data Comm Production Sub-Team Date: 2/1/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Aviation Administration AOC/FOC Interface for Data Comm Production System To: DCIT AOC WG From: Data Comm Production Sub-Team Date: 2/1/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Aviation Administration AOC/FOC Interface for Data Comm Production System To: DCIT AOC WG From: Data Comm Production Sub-Team Date: 2/1/13

2 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 2 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Agenda Recap for Production System (2016) –DCL Dispatch Message –Gate Request Message –ICAO 2012 FP –Web Access Subscriber Data Base Discussion Topics/Issues –Gate Request Message Filtering –Pilot Response/Dispatch Message –24-bit Aircraft Address

3 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 3 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 DCL Dispatch Message: Summary Content –Contains content of DCL that is sent to pilot for initial and any revised DCL –Includes a caveat that this is not an ATC clearance, and does NOT include a beacon code –For Initial DCL, whether Cleared as Filed, Initial UM79 or UM80, includes a separate full route string even if this was not sent to pilot (e.g., for CAF and Initial UM79 cases) –Format same as for DTAP Systems Integration Description Document (SIDD v1.1, Nov. 2012); Distribution/Timing –Sent to AOC only when a DCL clearance uplink is sent to flight deck Initial DCL as response to request by flight deck via DM25 Revised DCL upon controller approval of the revision –Users have option to tailor Dispatch message preferences via Subscriber Data Base (not required; default is all types to all users) Copy of initial DCL only Copy of initial DCL and revisions (as sent to pilot) Copy of initial DCL and revisions (entire content) None

4 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 4 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 DCL Dispatch Message Response: Summary Content –Format same as for DTAP Systems Integration Description Document (SIDD v1.1, Nov. 2012) except no gate assignment (handled by separate Gate Request message) –{Flight ID *A} { Sequence Number} {Tail Number} {Departure time} –Contains Departure time field from legacy PDC response to minimize software impact, per SIDD Distribution/Timing –Sent by AOC to FAA in response to DCL Dispatch Message –Expect within 2 min, similar to PDC and DTAP

5 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 5 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Pilot Flight Data Initial Departure Clearance : Gate ID and DCL Dispatch messages 4. Clearance for approval 9. Departure Clearance Request AOC/FOC Automation AOC/FOC Automation Data Comm 2. Flight Data Avionics 10. Departure Clearance 15. Departure Clearance Response 3. Flight Strip 5. Approved Departure Clearance Pilot will request DCL x minutes before departure Pilot will request DCL x minutes before departure 6. Session Start 8. Gate Request Response 7. Gate Request Tower Controller Tower Controller 1. Flight Plan Circa P-Time- 60 min Circa P-Time- 30 min Circa P-Time- 20 min 13. DCL Dispatch (CC) 14. DCL Dispatch Ack

6 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 6 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Gate Request Message: Summary Content –Gate Request data exchange is designed to provide same functionality as AOC provides in current response to a PDC –Provide gate/surface location at sites that require it operationally; initial implementation is gate ID –Format in DTAP SIDD, v1.1 Distribution/Timing –Gate Request is now a separate message exchange between TDLS and AOC –Gate Request sent to AOC when controller/system first approves DCL, e.g., similar to time when a PDC goes to AOC at approx. 20- 25 min prior to P-Time No explicit controller involvement in actual message to AOC One-time request message; any subsequent gate changes will be handled procedurally –Users have option to opt out of Gate Request via Subscriber Data Base when not operationally required (Discussion topic)

7 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 7 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Gate Request Message Response: Summary Content –{Flight ID *A} { Sequence Number} {Tail Number} { Airport Departure} {Gate Assignment} Gate Number, if known “G” if gate is unknown –Format in DTAP SIDD, v1.1 Distribution/Timing –Sent by AOC to FAA in response to Gate Request Message –Expect response from AOC within 2 min, similar to PDC response

8 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 8 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 ICAO 2012 FP Update: Coordination 1.Coordination with Users Data Comm Implementation Team (DCIT), including members participating in Data Comm Trials  Continue to address any feedback from users 2.Coordination within FAA FAA ICAO 2012 FP Program Office FAA beginning transition to ICAO 2012 FPL Presented at ICAO Flight Plan Filers Telecon Nov. 7 3.Coordination with other ANSPs  Avoid unintended consequences; determine if any potential overlaps for Fld10a or Fld 18 DAT/ usage  Plan to present at DLUF in Feb 2013  Circulate a notice to prevent duplicate usage of Field 18 codes

9 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 9 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 ICAO 2012 FP Codes for Data Comm: Summary ICAO 2012 Flight Plan is now operational in the NAS Proposed Data Comm “codes” in Field 18/DAT are a mechanism for user to notify FAA automation to generate DCL or PDC for 2016 –Assumes FANS 1/A and FANS 1/A+ support –ICAO FP codes take precedence over any other user preference mechanism Proposed codes include an optional “Fallback” Hierarchy if DCL service is not available

10 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 10 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Fld 18/DAT – Proposed Codes for Data Comm #User Preferenc e Data Comm Capability Description ICAO 2012 Fld 10a Data Comm Fld 18 DAT/ Comments Fld 10a order is any order and world-wide Z is required to get to DAT/ No spaces in actual DAT/ field 1aVoice only*Not equipped for ACARS or FANS; gets voice only E3J4J7Default if user is not getting PDC or DCL. Field 10a may be optional. 1bVoice only*Equipped for ACARS and FANS but wants voice only E3J4J71VOICE (opt) Optional. Only needed if users want to negate stored default and use voice only. 2aPDC only*Not ACARS equipped but gets PDC via manual means Z 1PDCSome aircraft are non-ACARS equipped, and 10a is physical equipage. Still get PDC via other means. Optional if currently getting PDC. 2bPDC only*Equipped only for ACARS PDC E3 Z 1PDCOptional if currently getting PDC. 2cPDC only*Equipped for ACARS PDC and FANS but wants PDC only E3J4Jx Z 1PDCEquipped for ACARS PDC and FANS 1/A or 1/A+, and possibly other capabilities (Jx). Identifies US domestic preference for PDC. Optional if currently getting PDC. * No ICAO FP change required if user currently gets PDC and does not want DCL. Current PDC designation will be the default.

11 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 11 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Fld 18/DAT – Proposed Codes for Data Comm - cont’d #User Preferenc e Data Comm Capability Description ICAO 2012 Fld 10a Data Comm Fld 18 DAT/ Comments Fld 10a order is any order and world-wide Z is required to get to DAT/ No spaces in actual DAT/ field 3aFANS1/A DCL only Equipped for ACARS/PDC and FANS but wants FANS 1/A only E3J4Jx Z 1FANS Identifies US domestic preference for FANS 1/A DCL. 3bFANS 1/A+ DCL only Equipped for ACARS/PDC and FANS but wants FANS 1/A+ only E3J4Jx Z 1FANSP Identifies US domestic preference for FANS 1/A+ DCL. 4aFANS 1/A DCL/PDC Equipped for ACARS PDC and FANS 1/A, with primary/secondary preferences E3J4Jx Z 1FANS 2PDC Code number shows priority preference, e.g., FANS 1/A DCL is primary preference; PDC is secondary that will be used if primary is unavailable and feasible. 4bFANS 1/A+ DCL/PDC Equipped for ACARS PDC and FANS 1/A+, with primary/secondary preferences E3J4Jx Z 1FANSP 2PDC Code number shows priority preference, e.g., FANS 1/A+ DCL is primary preference; PDC is secondary that will be used if primary is unavailable and feasible. 5ATN/FANS 1/A+ DCL/ PDC Equipped for ATN DCL, FANS 1/A+ DCL, and PDC; preference is ATN. E3J1J4Jx Z 1ATNB 2FANSP 3PDC Code shows preference, e.g, ATN B2 (ATNB) DCL, then FANS 1/A+ DCL, then PDC. This is one example only. ATN codes are TBD and will need to be worked.

12 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 12 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 ICAO 2012 FP Codes for Data Comm: Summary – cont’d “Fallback” Hierarchy and Concepts –Open question on notification of service unavailability to AOCs and flight deck At Sept DCIT, WG deferred considering this for inclusion in DTAP and for working Fallback questions to Spring 2013 –Production system currently plans to implement hierarchy as follows Fallback only occurs if AOC/User has designated PDC as the secondary clearance type preference If flight has been “processed” as DCL, even if not picked up by pilot, no PDC will be sent, e.g., if past normal “drop” time, flights will go to voice if DCL service becomes unavailable New flights or those earlier than “drop” time, will get PDCs if user has indicated this via ICAO flight plan codes or other user preference mechanism

13 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 13 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Subscriber Database (SDB) SDB is already in operation in TDLS –Historically, access was provided to IFCET (TDLS Team at OKC) only CSPs emailed updates to IFCET IFCET manually updated the SDB via direct access –SDB currently contains, at a minimum, the destination ADNS address for PDCs Provides a method to: –Determine where to send PDCs and DCL Dispatch Messages –Determine whether to send Gate Request Messages –Accommodate user preferences, e.g., specify the primary and secondary clearance preference type or tailor Dispatch messages –Allow ATO Safety to declare an entity ineligible to receive a clearance (Lock out) –Allow ATO Safety to specify the sites where an airline can receive a PDC (and DCL, if subscriber sites follow the same rules as PDC sites)

14 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 14 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Web Access to the SDB Web Access provides a new, secure method for accessing the SDB –AOC/CSP can directly manipulate their subscriber data –Portal access is limited to their data –AOC/CSP may not need to access the SDB after initial set up Concept of Operation –CSP/AOC logs in to Web Access SDB –CSP/AOC creates/modifies a record to specify clearance type(s), Dispatch message options, Gate Request preference, and CSP/AOC address –CSP/AOC only accesses SDB when changes are required The enhanced SDB will include various flight specific and AOC/user data elements –Flight id (tail number, call sign, Airline ID, etc.) –ADNS address for PDCs and DCL Dispatch messages –Primary and secondary clearance preference types (PDC, DCL) –Other User Preferences, e.g., type of DCL Dispatch/Courtesy Copy(CC) airline will receive (initial, revision, all), Gate Request message –Other PDC and CPDLC management information, as applicable

15 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 15 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 DISCUSSION TOPICS

16 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 16 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Pilot Flight Data Revised Departure Clearance : DCL Dispatch message 4. Revised Clearance for approval AOC/FOC Automation AOC/FOC Automation Data Comm 2. Rev Flight Data Avionics 6. Revised Departure Clearance 8. Departure Clearance Response 3. Rev Flight Strip (opt) 5. Approved Departure Clearance Tower Controller Tower Controller 1. Revised Flight Plan 7.a. Rev DCL Dispatch 7.b. DCL CC Ack May come from FAA automation or user Send DCL CC to AOC in parallel to step 6 Pilot has already picked up initial DCL.

17 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 17 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Discussion Topic: Gate Request Message Filtering Previous DCIT proposed that Gate Request message will be sent only to those users who currently supply gate in PDC response ­ Specific mechanism for determining which airports and which users require the Gate Request message was TBD ­ Minimize impact to AOCs and ATC operations, while providing desired data element Production system requirements need to be finalized Current planned implementation ­ Ground system will send Gate Request Message to all AOCs ­ Users opt out via Web-based access to Subscriber Data Base, which is same mechanism as for providing ADNS addresses SDB Web Access allows other user default preferences If any issues with ATC for specific airport or users, adjust accordingly

18 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 18 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Discussion Topic: Pilot Response/DCL Dispatch Message Problem: –Previous DCIT discussion over having pilot response (WILCO, UNABLE, STANDBY) provided to AOC in DCL Dispatch Message –Currently, ground system sends Dispatch Message to AOC when initial or revised DCL is sent to cockpit, without waiting for any pilot response Discussion: 1.Determine if two messages or one? Would AOC want one message when sent and an update when pilot response received OR wait until response is received (could be 5 min) and then send everything in one? 2.Anything different for STANDBY or UNABLE response? 3.Anything different for CAF and non-route revisions? 4.Consider as a user “preference” via Production Web-Access Subscriber Data Base? Production SDB could provide flexibility for AOCs to tailor getting pilot response in Dispatch Message SDB already to be used for user preferred ADNS addresses SDB optional for delivery type, e.g., PDC or DCL

19 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 19 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Discussion Topic – 24-bit Aircraft Address DTAP Problem: –DTAP PTR#1: The ICAO 24 bit aircraft identifier is not being correlated correctly. This results in the aircraft being rejected during logon. –At least one aircraft type sends the ICAO 24 bits in reversed order, and existing logic uses it as a criterion for flight plan correlation Short Term Solution: –DTAP: Remove 24-bit address from DTAP flight plan correlation logic. –Production System: Ensure 24-bit address is not used by logon (ERAM) or DCL (TDLS) Discussion: –Need longer term solution for S1P2 En Route services –Solution would have to work with LINK also. Global impact, with other possible impacts, including ADS-B –Next Steps? Defer to FAA ATN B2/FANS-1/A Designs.

20 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 20 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 QUESTIONS?

21 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 21 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Back Up

22 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 22 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 DCL Dispatch Message: Initial {field values in brackets. Field identifiers marked with “#” from table below, notes marked with *} ^AQU {IATA address TO }.{IATA address FROM} {DDHHMM} ^BCCI { Sequence Number} DCL DISPATCH MESSAGE – NOT AN ATC CLEARANCE {Flight ID *A} {field #1} {Equipment *B} P{Departure time *C} {Computer Identifier *D} {field 13} {Route Information *E} {Free Text *F} {Free Text Additional *G} ^C

23 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 23 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 DCL Dispatch Message: Revised {field values in brackets. Field identifiers marked with “#” from table below} ^AQU {IATA address TO }.{IATA address FROM} {DDHHMM} ^BCCR { Sequence Number} DCL DISPATCH MESSAGE – NOT AN ATC CLEARANCE {Flight ID *A} {Field 1} {REVISED *H *H} {Equipment *B} P{Departure time *C} {Computer Identifier *D} [REVISED EXPALT] {field #13} {Route Information *E} {Free Text *F} {Free Text Additional *G} ^C

24 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 24 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 DCL Dispatch Message Response {field values in brackets. Field identifiers marked with “#” from table below} ^AQU {IATA address TO }.{IATA address FROM} {DDHHMM} ^BCCA {Flight ID *A} { Sequence Number} {Tail Number} {Departure time} 1 ^C Notes: 1. Production message format for response does not include Gate Assignment, which is provided via Gate Request message response

25 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 25 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Gate Request Message {field values in brackets. Field identifiers marked with “#” from table below} ^AQU {IATA address TO }. IATA address FROM} {DDHHMM} ^BGRM { Sequence Number} {Flight ID } {Aircraft Reg #/Tail Number}{Airport Departure} ^C

26 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 26 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Gate Request Message Response {field values in brackets. Field identifiers marked with “#” from table below} ^AQU {IATA address TO }.{IATA address FROM} {DDHHMM} ^BGIR {Flight ID *A} { Sequence Number} {Tail Number} { Airport Departure} {Gate Assignment} ^C

27 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 27 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Data Comm and ICAO FP: Summary Implementation Approach –Data Comm Trials system will use “FRC DCL” in Field 18/RMK field of current and 2012 ICAO Flight Plan –Data Comm Production system (IOC 2016) will use ICAO 2012 FPL Field 10a (Equipage) used to identify aircraft capabilities Field 18 (Other Information) DAT/Codes used to identify flights getting DCL or PDC Field 18 DAT/ Codes will include a primary/secondary hierarchy –“1”xxx designates preferred departure clearance delivery mechanism –“2”xxx designates “back up” delivery mechanism ICAO FPL preferences take priority over any other sources

28 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 28 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 DCL Service Fallback Concept: Recap If CPDLC service for DCL is not available, FAA automation will “fall back” to PDC –AOC/User must tell FAA they want this to occur; system-wide, not per airport Can be done in ICAO FP preferences in Field 18/DAT An additional option is for AOC/user to provide this fallback preference via Web Access portal –Fallback preferences can be stored in the SDB in TDLS automation and used when applicable –Fallback only occurs if AOC/User has designated PDC as the secondary clearance type preference

29 DCP SE AOC Sub-team 29 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Feb 2013 Web Access SDB and ICAO FP ICAO Flight Plan Content –Optionally specifies the clearance type (DCL/PDC/Both) –Does not provide the address for the Courtesy Copies, Gate ID Request message or a PDC. This information is needed in the SDB but not available in the flight plan Hierarchy for Information from ICAO FP and SDB –ICAO FP will take precedence over Web Access. ICAO FP is checked for Clearance Type first –IF Clearance preference is available in FP Types of Courtesy Copies are retrieved from the SDB ADNS address for CC is retrieved from the SDB –No clearance preference available Clearance preference is retrieved from the SDB Types of Courtesy Copies are retrieved from the SDB ADNS address for CC is retrieved from the SDB –Voice clearance is issued if the clearance type (DCL, PDC) is NOT specified in the ICAO flight plan or SDB

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