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High Impact Leadership Framework
Mental Models for Leadership
Volume Value 1 Individuals and families are partners in their care 2 Compete on value, with continuous reduction in operating cost 3 Reorganize services to align with new payment systems 4 Everyone is an improver.
High Impact Leadership Behaviours
FINAL PICTURE: Boundarilessness: No fences/boundaries in the field No grain silos Blue sky thinking Horizon-scanning You can see where you’re trying to get to
Create Vision and Build Will
Engage Across Boundaries Shape Culture Create Vision and Build Will Deliver Results Develop Capability Driven by People and Community
What are you proud of?
What are you proud of? 2006
Mary Pitcaithly CEO Falkirk
‘For years after we built our new school estate I drove past them and was very very proud’ We said education was important to us in Falkirk but we had to demonstrate that we took children’s learning very seriously
‘Truly the most important work being done in the world…… …….I mean it’
Charlie Homer
‘How do you live the behaviour’
Ros Gray
Why I like PDSA and this model of Improvement Science
Simple Logical - Driver Diagrams show a logical flow Transparent - Driver Diagrams show individual elements of change ideas The more you use it the easier it gets (wider use) Accountable – set targets Data - see what has made the difference - Sasha (Aberdeen) – ‘run charts made my life easier’
Co-ordinating Leadership - What I’m finding
From Improvement Advisers – Key Changes and Pioneer Sites Great tests of change
What I’m finding across Partnerships
Leadership Not all senior leaders understand the methodology EYC is in the mix with a broad range of reforms and change Reform Reform Reform Reform
What I’m finding across Partnerships
Leadership Not all senior leaders understand the methodology EYC is in the mix with a broad range of reforms and change Capacity – PMs / DMs Fit (part GIRFEC) Data anxiety Capture Presentation What to do with it Reform Reform Reform Reform
Data? (Sasha ‘process vs people’)
Changes Something is different from Before to After Do Leaders need to be convinced? Data? (Sasha ‘process vs people’) Stories? - (Graham ‘incredibly exciting’) Evidence? - (Graham ‘priceless this work’)
Changes – Before and after
Changes – Before and after
Joyce White Chief Executive West Dunbartonshire Council
What it means to me Making improvement methodology meaningful Inspiration from Scottish Borders Choir How do we make it fun locally? Lead the change Wanted to find a way to help people learn about PSDA and improvement without it being focused on the ‘day job’ The fun element from Scottish Borders struck a chord – but the team really didn’t want to sing!! We wanted to meet regularly and talk about improvements and tests of change
Fit for 14…Fit for the Future
My personal commitment My stretch aim My Drivers Scaling it up Joint challenge with colleagues in Police Scotland My stretch aim was to lose weight between NY and Easter My primary drivers were around taking more exercise, eating well and ensuring a work / life balance My early PDSAs focused on eating healthily (even on busy days and at events) and taking more exercise Although it was a personal challenge for me the leadership team for EYC in West Dunbartonshire embraced the challenge too It links to our work on healthy working lives and has been a great launchpad for our pedometer challenge over June / July The pedometer challenge focuses on co-workers logging steps weekly over a 6 week period while ‘virtually’ walking the baton relay in Scotland ahead of the commonwealth games starting.
Data drives Improvement
Swimming daily Run chart started in the first week back at work after the New Year holiday and runs til May Shows my weight loss in lbs each week – although sometimes it’s a gain! You can clearly see where my tests of change have taken place or where I’ve gone off track I started with enthusiasm in January then pace levelled out The next big peak took place when I started swimming before work each working My bad weeks fell when I had events or meetings in the evening – making it harder to eat well or get some exercise once I got home I've found PDSA and run charts to be helpful for inspiring improvements Seeing the chart also keeps me focused Sharing this at our monthly Fit for 14 meeting keeps me motivated
EYC in West Dunbartonshire
Embedding the approach Finding our local leaders/influencers Strategic context The EYC sits as part of our Children and Families Delivery & Improvement Group This group is multi agency and chaired by our executive director of Education The group is our key delivery mechanism of outcomes related to children and families from the SOA The EYC fits well with our Integrated Children's Service Plan and the GIRFEC approach Worked with key local leaders to develop our thinking and to design our tests of change We identified those frontline officers who could deliver innovation – across services such as midwifery, smoking cessation and early years centres
Our approach Executive Group oversight Leadership walk rounds Highlight reports The EYC is managed on a day to day basis by the local executive group The exec group consists of senior staff from CPP, Education and CHCP along with the EYC programme manager This group meets fortnightly and reviews progress across all the tests of change Senior officers on the group are also responsible for the delivery of the key frontline services The exec group carry out leadership walk rounds – visiting all the sites and teams carrying out tests of change Highlight reports are prepared fortnightly These reports are shared across all those with an interest in the EYC locally Shows progress on tests of change Run charts embedded in these highlight reports Also looking to involve the local Third Sector Interface Chief Officer to ensure a link to community and voluntary organisations and activity
Top Tips Be visible Encourage participation Encourage innovation & curiosity Purpose Leading from the front is critical Putting my face on ‘fit for 14’ has encouraged others to embrace it By involving frontline staff in designing the tests of change has encouraged a different way of thinking in these services Need to make sure the long term outcomes for children and their families are at the centre of all that we do
Changes – Before and after
Responsive - do something Relentless - not just today Receptive - to data and evidence of change Reduce duplication Reduce number of processes Improve outcomes (Stories) Improve ‘value’ for money / reduce the cost How do we become more receptive?
Leading the Early Years Collaborative: Leadership behaviours
Aim Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Key Actions Show teams I am championing EYC by When I go back to my partnership after this learning session I am going to…… Person Centred-ness Keep the child at the centre of leadership decisions across a broad range of policies Shape culture by By 2016, Leaders in the Early Years Collaborative demonstrate the High Impact Behaviours for the delivery of amazing outcomes for children in Scotland Front Line engagement be a regular authentic presence and be a visible champion of EYC Develop capability and competence by Relentless Focus keep the national and local EYC vision at the heart of policy decisions Make results transparent by Transparency about results, progress, scrutiny, failure and future options Engage across organisational boundaries by Boundariless-ness encourage practice systems thinking across boundaries Other
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