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By: Ryan Helms. What makes tobacco addictive?  Nicotine-is a nitrogen-containing chemical - an alkaloid.  Nicotine is the addictive chemical in the.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ryan Helms. What makes tobacco addictive?  Nicotine-is a nitrogen-containing chemical - an alkaloid.  Nicotine is the addictive chemical in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ryan Helms

2 What makes tobacco addictive?  Nicotine-is a nitrogen-containing chemical - an alkaloid.  Nicotine is the addictive chemical in the cigarettes, nicotine is found in all tobacco.  40820.php

3 What does it do to your lungs?  Smokers have trouble breathing because smoking damages the lungs.  If you have asthma, you can have more frequent an more serious attacks.  Tobacco can cause emphysema (lung disease) and lung cancer.  g/tobaccotext.cfm

4 What does tobacco do to your brain?  The nicotine goes quickly to the brain and makes you addicted to it.  It makes you feel good when you are smoking, but it can make you anxious, nervous, moody, and depressed after you smoke.

5 What does it do to your mouth?  Nicotine ruins your teeth it stains them, and rots them away.  Nicotine also causes cancer of the mouth, it ruins your tonsils to.

6 How does it effect your heart?  Nicotine effects the health of your heart.  The harder you work the higher your heart rate goes.  Much higher than before.

7 What about your skin?  The nicotine stains your skin and turns it a yellow color.  The smell also sticks in your skin.

8 Lastly your muscles.  Nicotine decreases the flow of oxygen through your muscles.  This will more than likely sub duct your muscle size.

9 How it hurts you.  Nicotine not only hurts you physically.  It hurts your wallet cause over time it is expensive.  Nicotine decreases values of your houses and cars.  It also makes you loose your voice.

10 Pictures of tobacco?  What tobacco looks like.

11 Sources.  g/tobaccotext.cfm  40820.php

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