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(the best!) Igneous Rocks.

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Presentation on theme: "(the best!) Igneous Rocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 (the best!) Igneous Rocks

2 Igneous textures: Magma Lava Pyroclastics
Molten rock solidifies below surface Coarse grained Lava Molten rock solidifies at/near surface Fine grained Pyroclastics Chunks/pieces of molten rock blown into air Clasts welded together

3 Chemistry Composition: what minerals make up the rock Affected by:
Tectonics Melt source Country rock Temperature Water content

4 Bowen’s Reaction Series

5 Composition (Mode) 3 general categories of igneous rock: Mafic
Rich in Ca, Mg, Fe Si poor (45-52%) High T, low H2O content Less viscous Intermediate Felsic Si (>69%), K, Al rich Lower T, high H2O More viscous

6 Texture Phaneritic Aphanitic Porphyritic
Crystals are large enough to see Aphanitic Microscopic crystals Porphyritic Two different crystal sizes (due to change in temp as cooling) Phenocrysts Matrix

7 Porphyritic texture Large white crystals are phenocryts Aphanitic basalt (mafic composition) constitutes the groundmass


9 Granite and Rhyolite: Felsic
What are the textures in these two rocks ? Phaneritic Aphanitic

10 Andesite & Diorite: Intermediate
Aphanitic Phaneritic What are the textures in these two rocks ?

11 Basalt & Gabbro: Mafic Aphanitic Phaneritic

12 Peridotite- the abundance (more than 40%) of Olivine crystals makes the rock take on a green appearance

13 Volcanic Glass Obsidian- conchoidal fracture
And association with volcanic rocks Volcanic Glass

14 Tuffs & Breccias- look like sedimentary rock Tuffs & Breccias
But they are not….it is volcanic ash that is lithified

15 Pyroclastics Lava flow Volcanic neck Igneous dike Igneous Sill Batholith

16 Sierra Nevada Batholith- Home to Yosemite National Park and a lot of Granites and Grano-diorites

17 Sierra Nevada Batholith

18 Intrusions Igneous rock pushes between or through pre-existing rock
Dike Rock cuts through Sill Rock is parallel to pre-existing Neck Cooled core of extrusion Laccolith Makes bulge shape between rock layers

19 An igneous dike- Discordant with surrounding rock It cuts across other rocks An igneous sill- Concordant with surrounding rock It runs parallel to other rocks

20 Volcanic Necks & Igneous Dikes
igneous sill Igneous sill


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