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AOM Core Discussion UML/Models 2005 Workshop 7: “Aspect Oriented Modeling” Jörn Guy Süß, Research Officer 2/20/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "AOM Core Discussion UML/Models 2005 Workshop 7: “Aspect Oriented Modeling” Jörn Guy Süß, Research Officer 2/20/2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 AOM Core Discussion UML/Models 2005 Workshop 7: “Aspect Oriented Modeling” Jörn Guy Süß, Research Officer 2/20/2016

2 AOM Core

3 What is an aspect?

4 You don not really know what aspects do “Solves one problem, but in another situation creates craps”

5 What if you have model with 200+ classes

6 Trivial examples... Logging standard example – yawn… Easily scalable for a large application Real program models –Not available –Functional crosscuting concerns hard to find –Different granularities you can look at aspects

7 Works in the small only Conflicting aspects –“Would not like to log confidential information” –Composition is problematic because of interrelations between aspects  easy to break the structure by removing aspect –Analyse and verify agasint requirements Impacts on other aspects –Order of aspects

8 Common Core Metamodel needed to scale Something as base to compare different models Should UML be base notation or something more simpler? –UML is missing possibilities to express relationships between the models –One needs AML –Unified type space to have one tool for UML and aspects –UML ->CWM; CWM -> UML –Class based models should be base MOF is just class diagrams –You draw your class diagram –Generate your stuff –Glue GUI on top of generated –Allows to define structure, signatures of operations No way to specify how to execute it Methods, and then text for what methods actually do

9 Assembly process of aspects required Takes care of fact that we are not using the same definition of aspect Integration of approaches wont work as people wont agree what aspect is –Not the problem different terminology but lack of catalogue For reasons of traceability –People wont useone megalanguage Reuse –So far case studies dont show reuse as you need more –Need to educate students from very first days –Root commonality required For example benefits of design patters –Doest happen on the abstract, metamodel required

10 Tools

11 Tool vendors lock you in. Need to get stuff out of modelling tool and do it externally Hard to extend tools

12 Work with single model at a time Need to look at aspect and primary model at the same time. Relationships between models required. Lot of mental work still needed

13 Tools for defining model transformations exist Tefkat – The engine formerly known as Tarzan (a DSTC eclipse plugin) For example from class model to ERM Target model as the view of the source model Those things have very little publicity

14 What decisions are human decisions and where can you start automatic choices?

15 Restrain the Aspect?

16 Components vs. Aspects Components did promise "Buy your facility to have concern X managed“  Failed Will Aspects deliver? Yes! Aspects are very flexible No! Aspects are so flexible as too be useless in application

17 The Two sides "(Gregor Kiczales) Yes! –Teaching students –Distributing work –Runtime Properties, NFPs No! What happens "when tomorrow comes

18 Why AOM is great! (for industry!)

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