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Do Now:  Open up your notebook to page 11; tape in the notes you’ve received.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now:  Open up your notebook to page 11; tape in the notes you’ve received."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now:  Open up your notebook to page 11; tape in the notes you’ve received.

2 Fan ‘N’ Pick Discussion Topic: How do you think and learn? Structure  1: Fan the cards.  2: Pick a card and read the question to #3.  3: Answer the question.  4: Respond to #3.  If you’re stuck you could…  …add to what s/he said.  …explain how/why you (dis)agree with him/her.  …make a connection to what s/he said.  …explain why you find what s/he said interesting.

3 Debrief;  Tell us about your conversation by choosing an option below.  Share one interesting thing you talked about in your group.  Explain what common topic you noticed about all today’s questions.  Ask the class a question.

4 Metacognition Start Strong LAC I Wednesday, September 17

5 Definition Mnemonic What it is (examples!) What it is NOT (non-examples!) METACOGNITION Thinking about your thinking Source: Vanderbilt University’s Center for TeachingVanderbilt University’s Center for Teaching 1.Knowing how you learn. 2.Determining what you know and what you don’t. 3.Knowing how you come to a conclusion(the process!). 4.Reflecting. 1.Just plain thinking. 2.Determining what other people know/don’t know.

6 Why does “metacognition” matter?  When you think metacognitvely, you can…  self-correct  problem solve  remember what you’ve read  work more efficiently  perform better on exams

7 How can you use “metacognition”? Source: Education PortalEducation Portal

8 I’m overwhelmed; how can I do this on my own??

9 I can help you, by…  Asking you reflective questions.  Giving you multiple ways to access new material (linguistic, visual, kinesthetic, etc.) so you can decide what works best for you.  Encouraging cooperative learning.  Helping you set and reach goals.  Showing you ways to self-monitor your learning/understanding.*  Teaching you effective reading and comprehension strategies.

10 Using Annotation as a Self-Monitoring Strategy Definition Mnemonic What it is (examples!) What it is NOT (non-examples!) ANNOTATION To make notes in the margin of a text 1.symbols 2.words 3.your thoughts 4.your questions 5.your opinions vocabulary 7.inferences 1.a text without your handwriting/comments on it 2.a list of notes that summarize the passage

11 Some symbols to get you started…  Underline important information  Circle unfamiliar words  Use ? to note where you’re confused or need more information.  Use ! to indicate that you have a strong opinion.

12 Let’s practice. “Teaching children to think about their thinking, or metacognition, is essential. Confucius said, “ A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake. ” Or, as Dr. Phil asks his dysfunctional guests, “ How’s that working for you? ” When learners become conscious of their thinking, they can become aware of their strengths and the strategies that are useful to their own learning.” Source: Imagination Soup: Reading, Writing, and LearningImagination Soup: Reading, Writing, and Learning

13 Check for Understanding Metacognition is like _____________, because…

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