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Didas & TK.  Mouth  Pharynx  Esophagus  Stomach  Small & Large Intestines.

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Presentation on theme: "Didas & TK.  Mouth  Pharynx  Esophagus  Stomach  Small & Large Intestines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Didas & TK

2  Mouth  Pharynx  Esophagus  Stomach  Small & Large Intestines

3  Food is taken in  Grinded by teeth  Mixed with saliva  Comes from 3 large glands  Parotid  Submaxillary  Sublingual

4  Under lower jaw and has a duct that goes to the mouth allowing for saliva to be produced  Along with that, the mucous membrane secretes mucus which mixes with this saliva  Lines the mouth  Saliva converts starch and such into sugars necessary for the body  Ptylin does this

5  Food passes through the pharynx  Like a muscular membrane behind the nose and mouth which helps process food  Muscle contractions occur  Food is pushed down into/through the esophagus

6  After food passes through the esophagus by mucus and muscle contractions it enters the stomach  cardiac orfice  Strong gastric juices mix with the mucus and muscle contractions help fully digest and dissolve food  2-4 hours

7  From stomach the food is further digested here and then goes through to the duodenum  Then fluids flow through the pancreatic duct  Urination  And solids flow through the bile duct  Wastes

8  30 feet long in humans  Imagine that you put one end of a hose in your mouth and kept threading it through until it came out of your butt. That's more or less what the alimentary canal is.

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