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Slovenian management of Natura 2000 - integration proces and management practice 1.Gregor Danev, B.Sc. Forestry, Management expert, Group member, 2.Mateja.

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Presentation on theme: "Slovenian management of Natura 2000 - integration proces and management practice 1.Gregor Danev, B.Sc. Forestry, Management expert, Group member, 2.Mateja."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slovenian management of Natura 2000 - integration proces and management practice 1.Gregor Danev, B.Sc. Forestry, Management expert, Group member, 2.Mateja Žvikart, M.Sc. Biology, Expert in agriculture management, 3.Miha Naglič, B.Sc. Biology, Expert in Fishery and Water management; EXPERT GROUP ON THE MANAGEMENT OF NATURA 2000 3rd Meeting: 21 June 2010 DG Environment, Brussels

2 Topic 1.Natura 2000 sites in Slovenia 2.Management Programme – sheme, objectives, measures; 3.Managing Natura 2000 – experiences from day to day practice 4.Conclusions

3 SPA – 26 sites (22,8 %) SCI – 260 sites (31,6%) Total – 35,5 % 20-25 % agriculture land 71 % forests

4 Operational Programme (2007-13) DETAILED CONSERVATION OBJECTIVES FOR EACH NATURA 2000 SITE WHAT & WHY? HOW? WHO? WHERE? Bringing answers to questions: CONSERVATION MEASURES (+ investment, incentives) RELEVANT SECTORS INTERACTIVE ATLAS Andrej Bibič, Ministry for the Environment and Spatial planning Natura 2000 management programme (english): tx_library/NATURA_2000-ANG-01.pdf

5 Objectives: for each Natura 2000 site, and within for each species and/or habitat type with zoning Measures: –Measures in relation to use of natural resources: forestry, hunting, fishing; –Measures for adaptive agriculture practice: agri-environment; –Measures for water management; –Nature conservation measures; –Other measures: Measures for achieving sustainable “regional, local” development on Natura 2000 sites Monitoring measures Communication Education and research Natura 2000 operational programme

6 EX: Objectives with reference values for Forest HT from OP: - main tree species % in each development phase, - % of development phases according to HT zone, - min. quantity of dead wood in % to total growing stock, - surface of HT, - etc. IMPLEMENTATION Forestry Unit Management Plans EX: Objectives with reference values for forest species from OP: -min. quantity and diameter of dead wood (standing, lying) in proportion to total growing stock, - ecocells (quiet zones, micro reserves, nesting trees, etc…), - regimes on forest roads, - main tree species % in each development phase, - % of development phases according to species zone Existing Forest Management Planning: irrespective of ownership!! regional management plans (14) – every 10 years unit management plans (236) – every 10 years (10% per year) FORESTRY

7 VrstaOpis območja nahajanja/ habitata Ekološke zahteve Velikost cone (ha) Ocena stanja Konkretne usmeritve (tudi navezava na OP) belohrbti detel (Dendrocopos leucotos) zabeležen le v pragozdovih ostankih, kjer je zadosten delež mrtvega lesa: Pečka, Rajhenavski rog, Kopa, Strmec, Krokar - drugih podatkov NI! Živi v bukovo jelovih gozdovih,za gnezditveno uspešnost potrebuje strukturiran gozd z visokim deležem odmrlih in starih debelih dreves v območju od 30-50 ha, Za prehranjevanje potrebuje večji delež odmrlih dreves z žuželkami drevesnih debel (larve drevesnih hroščev) 1275010 do 15 parov – ocena, Dolgoročen trend Populacije ni znan, Opaža se, da je vrsta v upadanju. - ohranjati obstoječe in vzpostaviti obseg in značaj pragozdnih ostankov (vsaj 5% površine cone z vel. med 30-50ha); - v obdajajočih sestojih (varovalni pas)zagotavljati večnamensko vlogo gozdov z dovolj velikim deležem debelih dreves; Varovalni pas: - znotraj cone ohranjati delež debeljakov, prebiralnih in raznodobnih sestojev nad 75%. - v notranji coni naj se pušča odmrlo stoječe drevje in sušice, predvsem listavcev, tako da delež odmrle lesne mase znaša najmanj 3% ter se ohranja drevesa z dupli. Objectives for forest species: Example for Kočevsko VrstaPopulacijaVelikost habitata (ha)Ohranjenost habitata belohrbtidetel (Dendrocopos leucotos) 10 do 15 parov12750Zagotoviti funkcionalno mrežom pragozdnih in gozdnih rezervatov (vsaj 5% povr. cone z velikostjo med 30-50 ha)z okrepitvijo ugodnih habitatskih razmer v obdajajočih sestojih (varovalni pas) Varovalni pas: Zagotavljati večnamensko vlogo gozdov z dovolj Velikim deležem debeljakov, raznodobnih ali prebiralnih sestojev (min. 75%) ter primernim deležem odmrlih dreves in mrtvega lesa (minimalno 6% lesne zaloge, stoječih in ležečih) ali opredelitvijo novih rezervatov oz. ekocelic. Indicators Reference values Trends Concrete guidelines which are implemented in the Forestry Unit MP

8 Results: Forestry


10 RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2007 - 2013 Agri-Environment Payments (AEP) Compenastory allowances for Less – Favoured Areas (LFA) AXIS 2 LFA 48% AEP 52%

11 AGRI-ENVIRONMENT PAYMENTS farmers can register all over the country measures for maintaining the grasslands (in general) GENERAL MEASURES SPECIFIC MEASURES geolocated measures consider ecological requirement of threatened species (butterflies, birds,…) farmers can register just within zones of threatened species and HT which are within Natura 2000 sites and national ecological important areas voluntarily decision 5-7 year contract implementation of all requirements of selected measures implementation of all requirements of cross compliance

12 1. Organic farming – Permanent grassland (EK-T) 2. Mountain pastures (PP or PPP) 3. Steep slopes mowing (S35 or S50) 4. Humpy meadows mowing (GRB) 5. Sustainable domestic animal husbandry (REJ) 6. Conservation of extensive grassland (ETA) 1. Conservation of special grassland habitats (HAB) 2. Conservation of grassland habitats of butterflies (MET) 3. Conservation of litter meadows (STE) 4. Provision of favourable status of population of threatened bird species and humid grassland habitats (VTR) KEY MEASURES FOR CONSERVATION OF PERMANENT GRASSLANDS


14 OBJECTIVES AND MEASURES OF NATURA 2000 SITE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Natura 2000 siteSpecies (Slo)Species (Latin)ObjectivesAE measures Key measures Indicators Reference values

15 Analysis of measures and results AGRICULTURE SuitabilityMeasureComment + TSA, VTR, STE, MET, HAB Nature conservation measures which are directly connected to ecological needs of species or HT + - EK, ETA, GRB, PP, PPP, S35, S50 Nature conservation measures which promotes nature friendly mowing and are mainly for preventing the overgrowth, but still can help to protect species and HT - + REJMeasure prevents overgrowth but it is too general. Many times this measure brings more damage to nature conservation than benefits. Because of higher payments till the year 2010 this measure was highly concurrent (more money, less restriction) to the other above payments.

16 Results: Agriculture 2009 = 33.126 ha Requirements: - 30 sites for HT protection - 23 for birds - 36 for butterflies - 1 for plant protection Results - 6 sites for HT protection – 20% - 3 for birds – 15% - 2 for butterflies – 6%

17 Results: Agriculture MEASURE20032004200520062007-082009 EK43136.2228.2629.4808.873 ETA1.6985.3275.1535.0126.6944.039 HAB0165383592601460 GRB00274210875 PP+PPP5.2026.2525.1893.3527.3264.053 REJ0018.49619.56522.38115.440 S35+S5004.2343.0356.4067.9946.113 TSA5698737110056 VTR0000310375 MET0000134159 STE00002653 ∑6.99916.08938.57843.30255.15439.696

18 Results: Agriculture % of reached objectives till year 2010 according to the OP sites with set objectives LEGEND: DA – YES Objectives are reached NE – NO Objectives are not reached

19 PROBLEMS IN AGRICULTURE - Compensatory payments aren’t sufficient - Practice shows that some requirements are unacceptable - Too many administration/supervisions - Low public awareness - crumbled land structure - age - education % of AE measures on Natura 2000 sites are not sufficient non specific AE measures - Requirements not suitable for different areas (mountain, panonic region,…) – regional specifics is not implemented – MORE ADAPTIVITY - insufficient results on protected species/habitat types

20 Analysis of AE measures on Natura 2000 sites Revision of AE measures and completions/corrigenda – contents and financially Preparation of new, specific measures - intensive cooperation with Agriculture Ministry Intensive communication and promotion Introduction Natura payments ?? – What does it bring? = new control, new administration, repeating mistakes, etc ??? FUTURE AGRICULTURE CHALLENGES

21 FISHERY and HUNTING Similar procedure as with forestry –Game management (Slovenia Forestry Service) 10 years game management plans (2010), Yearly operative plans; –Fishery management (Fishery research institute of Slovenia) Nature conservation guidelines Participation in the adoption process at SFS Councils The Fishing Management Plan FRIS in cooperation with local Fishing society, 67 FMPs, 6 year period FRIS together with IRSNC prepared 12 FAPs (February 2010), In the adoption process Preparation of example of FMP and cooperation with IRSNC (June 2010) The Fishing Areas Plan FRIS developed the 12 proposals (April 2010), 6 year period In public debate (May 2010)



24 Operational Programme is good tool for Natura 2000 management: –Brings the overall perspective, –Gives the assignments to different institutions, organizations, –It was firs with limited data in 2006 - Adapting the OP with new knowledge (scientific and practical), –In future: focus on prioritizing objectives, focus on financial part; EXPERTS CONCLUSIONS

25 1.More focus on communication and participation! – participation is the main tool for achieving the objectives!!! 2. More focus on regional and local development – promotion of ecosystem services, – promotion of new business initiatives, – etc;

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