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Published byGregory Lane Modified over 9 years ago
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Dielectron Mass Spectrum & Elliptic Flow at Au+Au 200 GeV Xin Dong Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (for the STAR Collaboration)
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Heavy Ion Frontiers Deconfinement Chiral symmetry restoration 2
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Dileptons – A Penetrating Probe to Medium Advantages: EM probe / penetrating – not suffer strong interactions (p T, M) – additional mass dimension, sensitive to different dynamics Challenges: Production rate is rare, over many background sources integral over time, sensitive to system evolution 3 FacilityEnergy (√s NN )Experiments BEVALAC/SIS~ 2 – 5 GeVDLS, HADES, CBM SPS~ 5 – 17 GeVCERES, NA60 RHIC~ 19 – 200 GeVPHENIX, STAR LHC~ 2760 – 5500 GeVALICE
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL SPS Success NA60, PRL 96 (2006) 162302, PRL 100 (2008) 022302 Eur. Phys. J. C 61 (2009) 711, AIP Conf. Proc. 1322 (2010) 1. Precision di-muon mass spectrum – favor broadening through interactions with hadronic medium Slope parameter of m T spectrum (T eff ) at intermediate mass region - indicative of thermal radiation from partonic medium 4 LMRIMR
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Opportunities and Challenges at RHIC significantly increased comb. background - S/B ~ 0.003 in central Au+Au 200 GeV Expect significantly increased partonic source contribution at RHIC 5 RHIC Beam Energy Scan (7.7 – 200 GeV) A unique opportunity to systematically investigate in-medium broadening and on-set of QGP thermal radiation
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL STAR at RHIC 6 TPC MTD Magnet BEMC BBC EEMC TOF HFT Large acceptance at mid-rapidity Excellent particle (electron) identification (TPC+TOF+EMC) Fast DAQ to accumulate high statistics
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL p+p Reference 7 Improved measurement with 2012 p+p 200 GeV Consistent with published p+p result based on year 2009 data - statistics improved by x5 Dielectron mass spectrum in p+p collisions well described by the hadronic cocktail simulations. - charm cc = 0.80 mb PRD 86 (2012) 072013
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Dielectron Production in Au+Au 200 GeV 8 STAR, PRL 113 (2014) 022301 Clear enhancement w.r.t. the hadronic cocktail w/o at LMR Model calculations with in- medium broadened spectrum function describe the LMR excess IMR spectra dominated by the correlated charm contributions. Model calculations Rapp: many-body effective theory R. Rapp, PoS CPOD 2013 private comm. PHSD: parton-hadron string dynamics O. Linnyk et al. PRC 85, 024910 (2012) private comm. H.J. Xu et al., PRC 85 (2012) 024906 G. Vujanovic et al., NPA 904 (2013) 557c Green band – cocktail uncertainty
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Centrality / p T Dependence 9 Year 2010/2011 combined statistics Enhancement ratio w.r.t the hadronic cocktail – no strong dependence on centrality and p T Model calculations reasonably describe the centrality and p T dependence
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Low-mass Excess 10 STAR, PRL 113 (2014) 022301 Low-mass excess described better by in-medium broadened rather than a vacuum Future improvements on both statistics and systematics Low-mass dielectron yield increases with centrality approximately as N part a with a = 1.54 ± 0.18 A: 0.3-0.76 GeV/c 2 B: 0.76-0.80 GeV/c 2 C: 0.98-1.05 GeV/c 2
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL First Measurement of Dielectron v 2 11 cocktail simulation Cocktail simulations based on published v 2 measurements of light hadrons v 2 of dielectrons from 0 Dalitz decay consistent with simulations based on the published 0 v 2 STAR, arXiv: 1402.1791
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Dielectron v 2 Compared to Cocktail / Model 12 Dielectron v 2 consistent with cocktail simulations given the current precision STAR, arXiv: 1402.1791 - cocktail v 2 of dielectrons accepted in the STAR acceptance, p T integrated
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Possible Modifications at Intermediate Mass Central mass spectrum systematically steeper than minbias spectrum at IMR (2 at 1.8-2.8 GeV/c 2 ) - indicative of either charm modifications or other sources (thermal radiation?) 13 STAR, PRL 113 (2014) 022301
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Azimuthal Corr. between e + e - at IMR 14 p T >0.2 GeV/c p T >0.5 GeV/c p T >1 GeV/c PYTHIA Simu. Azimuthal correlation described by PYTHIA in p+p collisions Limited sensitivity with current statistics and acceptance cut in Au+Au collisions - to be improved with more statistics and higher p T cut
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Evidences of Charm-Medium Interactions Significant suppression of high p T D 0 / “bump” structure in low p T D 0 R AA Finite non-photonic electron v 2 Significant charm-medium interactions in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV 15 R AA of D 0 v 2 of NPE STAR, arXiv: 1404.6185STAR, arXiv: 1405.6348
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Importance of Charm at High Energy Collisions 16 Charm contribution to total cocktail in the mass region of 0.4-0.7 GeV/c 2 : ~ 60% Correlated charm component is important in both IMR and LMR region in high energy HI collisions
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Control Correlated Charms HFT - topological separation of charm decay electrons from prompt MTD - unique measurement of e- correlation – clean to D-D correlation HFT+MTD help to measure the charm correlation directly.: D-D, e-D, -D, e- L. Ruan et al., JPG 36 (2009) 095001 STAR Upgrades 17
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL To Quantify Thermal Dilepton Properties Polarization (angular distribution) to probe the degree of thermalization Partonic or Hadronic thermal source – Elliptic flow Initial Drell-Yan, fully polarized =1 Completely thermalized, isotropic =0 E. Shuryak, 1203.1012 Cross section, v 2, (M, p T ) Thermal dileptons at IMR (1.1 < M < 3. GeV/c 2 ) 2014-2016, With combined L ~ 20 nb -1 @ 200 GeV x15 compared to the statistics collected in 2010/2011 for 400 MeV/c 2 bin, v2 = 0.01, = 0.05 18
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Summary & Future STAR observed low mass enhancement w.r.t. hadronic cocktail at 200 GeV Au+Au collisions - excess yield well described by the in-medium broadened - to reach the NA60 precision at RHIC – challenging with the current detector - need dedicated trigger system, specially for heavy ion collisions First measurement of dielectron v 2 at 200 GeV Au+Au collisions. Near future goal: Onset of sQGP thermal radiation and measuring its properties RHIC (BES) is well suited in carrying out systematic measurements towards this goal 19 Other STAR Presentations at this workshop J. Butterworth.......... STAR dielectron at BES energies B. Huang.................. Direct virtual photons at 200GeV AuAu F. Geurts.................. Future dilepton measurements at STAR
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL 20
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Acceptance Effect 1 0 2π rapidity ϕ STAR data after PHENIX acceptance: LMR enhancement factor still ~ 2! 21 STAR, HP 2012
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Cocktail Comparison STAR in PHENIX acc. p+p 200 GeV Different generators with the same detector acceptance give consistent cocktails - some small differences due to decay form factors and detector resolutions 22
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL LMR enhancement with PHENIX HBD HBD result in 20-92% centrality bins consistent with previous PHENIX result and also STAR preliminary result - Looking forward to the HBD result in 0-20% centrality bin 23
X. DongAug. 20-22, 2014 TPD RBRC Workshop, BNL Cocktail Simulation 24 STAR ± : PRL 92 (2004) 112301, PRL 97 (2006) 152301 PHENIX 0 : PRL 91 (2003) 072301, PRC 69 (2004) 034909 PHENIX : PRC 75 (2007) 024909 STAR : PLB 612 (2005) 181 PHENIX J/ : PRL 98 (2007) 232301 STAR charm: PRD 86 (2012) 070313 Tsallis Blast-Wave: PRC 79 (2009) 051901 Simultaneous Tsallis Blast-Wave (TBW) model fit to parameterize light hadron spectra J/ input from PHENIX measurement Correlated charm, bottom and Drell- Yan contributions obtained from PYTHIA simulations, then scaled with N bin to Au+Au collisions
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