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GRDG626: Language, Literacy, and Diversity in American Education Popular Culture and Diversity Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs.

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Presentation on theme: "GRDG626: Language, Literacy, and Diversity in American Education Popular Culture and Diversity Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRDG626: Language, Literacy, and Diversity in American Education Popular Culture and Diversity Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs

2 Agenda Sharing Example of spoken word performance Writing Activity Break Discussion Next Week

3 Examples of Spoken Word Hebrew Mamita Taylor Mali "What Teachers Make” Taylor Mali Daniel Beaty Knock Knock Daniel Beaty Sarah Kay Hands Sarah Kay

4 Alfred Tatum Video Reading for their life Reading and writing for resiliency

5 Writing Activity What do you notice about the spoken word performance? Write your own Share with a small group

6 Break

7 Discussion Cocktail party - circulate around the room and collect ideas. Discuss with as many different people as you can about each of the texts. Compton Lilly, Performance Poetry, Redd & Webb, Tatum Find at least one person with an insight new to you Find at least one person who has a similar insight

8 Whole Group Form 6 random groups Each group lead discussion on one of the readings Group 1 – Compton-Lilly Group 2 – Performance Poetry Group 3 & 5 – Redd & Webb Group 4 & 6 - Tatum

9 What is a Literature Review? An examination of research into a focused area of inquiry. A synthesis of the research in order to answer a question not a “book report” not an “annotated bibliography” Template available on the wiki

10 Literature Review Prep. Look over the questions you wrote thus far this semester Recurring pattern? Something compelling? Think about the papers you’ve written thus far. Is there you noticed you would like answers to. Develop several possible topics/questions to investigate through a literature review

11 Next Week Read Mills chapter (on wiki) Meet in Library 100 Bring your possible questions/topics Workshop by Kathi Sigler on advanced literature searches Will spend time searching and collecting literature for your paper Minilesson on writing the literature review Watch APA review (on wiki)

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