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Site Leader Info Session HuMed October 3, 2011. Trip Requirements  7+ members  3+ weeks  Must use a pre-approved provider: 

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Presentation on theme: "Site Leader Info Session HuMed October 3, 2011. Trip Requirements  7+ members  3+ weeks  Must use a pre-approved provider: "— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Leader Info Session HuMed October 3, 2011

2 Trip Requirements  7+ members  3+ weeks  Must use a pre-approved provider:   Group housing for majority of the time  For deadlines, check the events calendar on

3 Site Leader Requirements  One site leader must be a sophomore or higher  Seniors can lead as long as the co-leader is a continuing student  Persons studying abroad in the spring cannot lead or participate  Persons studying abroad now currently can lead (waiting on official word on this)  International travel experience preferred  At least one of the site leaders must have travelled abroad in the past 7 years

4 How to plan your trip  Pick a place and a 3 rd party provider  Logistics like price, projects, travel, accommodation, etc.  Language  Contact the provider  Find out more details from them on the types of projects and the timeline of registration/payments  Dates for the trip  How many people do you want?

5 Proposal  Clear, concise, and well-defined plans  Looking for commitment towards your project  Want to see that you are able to handle diverse, unpredictable situations

6 What’s in the proposal?  Goals:  Why do you want to do THIS project?  Why this location?  Why does community need it?  What impact will you have on the community that you will be working with?  What will you gain from this experience?

7 What’s in the proposal?  Overview of the project(s):  How sustainable is your project?  Long-term and short-term effects  Description of the project  Proposed schedule  Dates of the trip  Funding plans  Expected cost for program and airfare  How to meet these goals

8 Expected site leader duties  Break away training: October 14-15  Sign a site leader contract  Pick your participants  Keep participants updated  Contract  Follow trip deadlines for payments  Organize fund-raising/grants  Group must go to travel abroad meeting

9 Questions?? Email

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