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Welcome to 7 th Grade. 7 th Grade Procedures/Expectations: We are a Leader In Me School which means we are expected to demonstrate positive leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 7 th Grade. 7 th Grade Procedures/Expectations: We are a Leader In Me School which means we are expected to demonstrate positive leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 7 th Grade

2 7 th Grade Procedures/Expectations: We are a Leader In Me School which means we are expected to demonstrate positive leadership skills at all times. You will learn the Leader In Me process in TA throughout the year

3 Before school procedure: -when the 7:30 bell rings students may come to the wing and sit with their friends on the outer edge of the learning lab, not in front of lockers, to socialize -students should not be going to other wings, or wandering the halls

4 7 th Grade Procedures/Expectations: Pass cards are required any time a student needs to leave the room (drinks, bathroom, etc.) Cell Phone Policy - not to be used from 7:30 to 3:05 - they may be left in lockers or in a teacher’s designated area in the classroom - if a student is seen using their phone without permission a negative contact will be issued

5 This time is used for interventions and enrichment You will be placed in groups depending upon your educational need and/or choice As teachers, we are trying to help you during this time…please help us by behaving yourself and working hard HOUND TIME

6 After lunch for 10 minutes we will walk the trail You are expected to walk in twos on the right side of the trail so that community members walking the trail still have room to walk. That means: no pushing, no running, no jumping on each other, no horse-play, no cell phones usage, etc. – you will receive a negative contact and/or loss of walking privilege if you do not follow these expectations. SOCIALIZATION

7 STAT Your grade in STAT will be based upon the following criteria: 1.Preparedness- having all your materials 2.Ability to stay on task 3.Staying quiet and reading during SSR (SSR= 1 st 10 minutes of STAT) 4. Correctly using your assignment book 5. Work on AM, but you can’t scan during STAT WE DO NOT TOLERATE HORSEPLAY and/or DISRUPTIONS WHILE STUDENTS ARE TRYING TO LEARN/STUDY

8 After School Procedures: When the 3:05 bell rings students are to stay in their STAT class unless they are an R bus rider or in athletics (this time will be determined by coaches) Car riders and C bus riders will be dismissed by intercom Students should not be in the hallways or other wings without teacher permission

9 Grades are given the last day of every week All grades must be written in your assignment book Please make sure you show your grades to your parents! If you are absent when grades are given, make sure you get your grades as soon as you get back. GRADES

10 Point System TA teacher will check planners every Monday morning. A point will NOT be given if there are any of the following infractions: Tardies D or F on weekly grades Not having your assignment book in class or for TA on Monday Negative Contact for behavior Late homework/unacceptable assignments WE EXPECT YOU TO HAVE YOUR ASSIGNMENT BOOK IN EVERY CLASS

11 POINT SYSTEM CELEBRATION: At the end of each quarter if a student has accumulated at least 7 points he/she is eligible for a quarterly celebration and a Paw Print* *PawPrints can be used in any core classroom (science, math, reading, LA, SS) to raise your current grade 1 percentage point before grade cards go home.

12 Questions?

13 Have a great year in 7 th grade!!! WE ARE GLAD YOU’RE HERE!!!

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