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Mcqanatomyaug05. Pulmonary artery arises from the 1.Lungs 2.Left ventricle 3.Right ventricle 4.Left atrium.

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Presentation on theme: "Mcqanatomyaug05. Pulmonary artery arises from the 1.Lungs 2.Left ventricle 3.Right ventricle 4.Left atrium."— Presentation transcript:

1 mcqanatomyaug05

2 Pulmonary artery arises from the 1.Lungs 2.Left ventricle 3.Right ventricle 4.Left atrium

3 Cephalic vein is a vein of the 1.Head and neck 2.Upper limb 3.Abdomen 4.Thorax

4 Chief flexor of the Hip joint is 1.Biceps femoris 2.Semitendinosus 3.Semi membranosus 4.Iliopsoas Speaker’s notes

5 Brain stem is formed by all except : 1.Medulla 2.Pons 3.Midbrain 4.Cerebellum Speaker’s notes

6 The heart lies in 1.Superior mediastinum 2.Anterior mediastinum 3.Middle mediastinum 4.Posterior mediastinum

7 Claw hand is produced due to injury of 1.Radial nerve 2.Musculo cutaneous nerve 3.Ulnar nerve 4.Anterior interosseous nerve

8 The cavity present in the cerebral hemisphere is called 1.Third ventricle 2.Lateral ventricle 3.Fourth ventricle 4.Auricle

9 Which of the following has no blood supply? 1.Muscles 2.Heart 3.Lungs 4.Cornea

10 Trachea divides at 1.Seventh cervical vertebra 2.Second thoracic vertebra 3.Third thoracic vertebra 4.Fourth thoracic vertebra Speaker notes The trachea extend from the sixth cervical vertebra, to the upper border of the fifth thoracic vertebra; In this context the fourth thoracic vertebra where it divides into the two bronchi, one for each lung.

11 The type of epithelium lining the urinary bladder is : 1.Simple columnar 2.Stratified squamous 3.Transitional 4.Pseudostratified ciliated columnar

12 Closing of the eyelid is produced by 1.Orbicularis oculi 2.Orbicularis oris 3.Levator anguli oris 4.Levator palpebrae superioris

13 The length of the oesophagus is : 1.25 cm 2.30 cm 3.45 cm 4.50 cm

14 Caecum and appendix are situated in the 1.Right Iliac Fossa 2.Right Lumbar region 3.Left Iliac Fossa 4.Hypogastric region

15 Ideal muscle to intramuscular injection inthe lower limb is 1.Gluteus maximus 2.Quadriceps femoris 3.Soleus 4.Adductor magnus

16 In the dorsum of the foot the foot pulse can be felt in the 1.Posterior tibial artery 2.Medial plantar artery 3.Dorsalis pedis artery 4.Lateral plantar artery

17 Pulmonary artery back

18 Cephalic vein 1

19 1.Cephalic vein 2.Median cubital vein 3.Basilic vein

20 Cephalic vein 2

21 back

22 iliopsoas1

23 Iliopsoas 2

24 Brain stem




28 Mediastinum

29 Mediastinum 2



32 Lateral ventricle - a Choroid plexus - c Corpus callosum - d Straight sinus - i







39 Orbicularis oculi1

40 Orbicularis oculi 2



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