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The Mount, Charles Darwin’s boyhood family home. Charles Darwin’s undergraduate alma matter: Christ’s College, University of Cambridge.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mount, Charles Darwin’s boyhood family home. Charles Darwin’s undergraduate alma matter: Christ’s College, University of Cambridge."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mount, Charles Darwin’s boyhood family home

2 Charles Darwin’s undergraduate alma matter: Christ’s College, University of Cambridge

3 London Fashions, 1837

4 Down House, Darwin’s family home and the place he wrote his most important work

5 Darwin’s study in Down House

6 London’s West-End Railway District in 1859

7 The River Thames: London’s Lifeblood

8 Perry’s Dock Blackwall London

9 London’s East India Docks The Gateway to the Riches Flowing From Empire

10 The Charing-Cross Railway Bridge across the Thames, with the Houses of Parliament in the background

11 The Houses of Parliament

12 The opening of St. Katherine’s Dock in 1828 marks the end of this period of dock construction in London

13 Greenwich at high tide

14 A celebration at Greenwich

15 Demolition of the old London Bridge

16 Opening of the New London Bridge 1 August 1831


18 Railway construction in London, 1839

19 A Victorian factory

20 Victorian industrialization: a bread-making machine in 1860

21 The new printing machine of the “Daily Telegraph” in 1859

22 The “George Stephenson,” a locomotive steam engine built in 1860

23 Old & New

24 Victorian revelry: the Annual Ball of the Non- Commissioned Officers at the Royal Artillery School, Woolwich 1859

25 The taming of space and time, the domestication of nature: Deepdale Viaduct, on the South Durham and Lancashire Union Railway, 1859

26 The Doric portico to Euston station, the London terminus of the London and Birmingham Railway; built in 1838

27 The Strand

28 Cholera outbreak in London

29 The Albert Institution in London, a charity which provided baths, schools, workmen’s clubs and other services for the working classes

30 Traffic jams are nothing new: congestion on the London Bridge in 1859

31 The British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company offices on Threadneedle Street, London

32 London’s fashionable Pall Mall

33 Public improvements: new fountains on the Serpentine in London’s Hyde Park, 1860

34 The Victorian love of nature: the show of camellias at the Vauxhall Nursery

35 A vista in Kew Gardens, with the Pagoda in the background

36 Kew Gardens: The Palm House, with the Pagoda in the background

37 A new lake in Kew Gardens

38 The Palm House at Kew Gardens


40 London as a Hub for Scientific Research: The Hunterian Museum in London

41 The British Museum

42 Mummies in the British Museum

43 Elgin Marbles in the British Museum

44 Not Only Mummies: Zoological Display in the British Museum

45 Zoological displays in the British Museum

46 The interior of the Palm House

47 Interior of the Gallery of the New Society of Painters in Water-Colours, Old Bond Street (1834)

48 The Oxford Natural History Museum in 1860

49 Interior of the Oxford Natural History Museum

50 Westminster Abbey in the nineteenth century

51 Charles Darwin’s burial in Westminster Abbey

52 The Natural History Museum

53 The Central Hall of the Natural History Museum

54 Charles Darwin’s statue is unveiled at the Natural History Museum in 1885

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