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Social Issue Exploration Project By, Haley Reynolds ETHS 2410 By, Haley Reynolds ETHS 2410.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Issue Exploration Project By, Haley Reynolds ETHS 2410 By, Haley Reynolds ETHS 2410."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Issue Exploration Project By, Haley Reynolds ETHS 2410 By, Haley Reynolds ETHS 2410

2 The Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline and How it Starts in Preschool  The preschool to prison pipeline is a term that is used to describe the present discrimination that is going on right now, which is starting with African American students in our public schools. The definition of this pipeline is the act of funneling students, primarily students of color, out of the educational system and into the criminal justice system; also known as “the new Jim Crow”

3 Research Activity  The research that I did on this subject was done by reading scholarly articles and watching documentaries.  At first, I was surprised on how much information is out there on this subject, and how little people know of it. Truthfully, I knew nothing of the subject but was able to find some great articles and videos that taught me a lot about this subject and how huge of an issue it really is.  The research that I did on this subject was done by reading scholarly articles and watching documentaries.  At first, I was surprised on how much information is out there on this subject, and how little people know of it. Truthfully, I knew nothing of the subject but was able to find some great articles and videos that taught me a lot about this subject and how huge of an issue it really is.

4 Scholarly Article 1  Studies Confirm the Dehumanization of Black Children and the ‘Preschool to Prison Pipeline’ By, Sonali Kolhatkar  This article taught me that African American children are being suspended as preschoolers. The article offered some statistical data on this, stating that they only make up 18%, but 42% have been suspended at least once. It also taught me about how zero- tolerance policies are one of the main contributors to these preschool suspensions. In this article, I learned that African Americans do not make up even half of the American population (13% to be exact) but nearly half of African Americans are imprisoned. The article also stated that “The Annie E. Casey Foundation found that African American children are on the lowest end of nearly every measured index including proficiency in math and reading, high school graduation, poverty and parental education”.  Studies Confirm the Dehumanization of Black Children and the ‘Preschool to Prison Pipeline’ By, Sonali Kolhatkar  This article taught me that African American children are being suspended as preschoolers. The article offered some statistical data on this, stating that they only make up 18%, but 42% have been suspended at least once. It also taught me about how zero- tolerance policies are one of the main contributors to these preschool suspensions. In this article, I learned that African Americans do not make up even half of the American population (13% to be exact) but nearly half of African Americans are imprisoned. The article also stated that “The Annie E. Casey Foundation found that African American children are on the lowest end of nearly every measured index including proficiency in math and reading, high school graduation, poverty and parental education”.

5 Scholarly Article 2  The School to Prison Pipeline Can Start Even Before Kindergarten, Mother Points Out By, Rebecca Klein  This article talks about a story of a black mother of two preschoolers, who have been suspended at least once, and how she wrote an essay about the pipeline noting her honest opinion on the biases against black students. She writes that she feels the problem isn’t that school teachers are racist; the problem is that teachers do not recognize that they do have biases that make them prejudice against black students. In a comparison of suspensions, this article states that black students are being suspended while white students aren’t, when they are acting out in the exact same ways. Black students are being subjected to harsher punishments because of the sole reason that they are black. Some statistics in the article state that black students are five times more likely to be expelled compared to their Asian American counterparts, and two times more likely than their white counterparts.  The School to Prison Pipeline Can Start Even Before Kindergarten, Mother Points Out By, Rebecca Klein  This article talks about a story of a black mother of two preschoolers, who have been suspended at least once, and how she wrote an essay about the pipeline noting her honest opinion on the biases against black students. She writes that she feels the problem isn’t that school teachers are racist; the problem is that teachers do not recognize that they do have biases that make them prejudice against black students. In a comparison of suspensions, this article states that black students are being suspended while white students aren’t, when they are acting out in the exact same ways. Black students are being subjected to harsher punishments because of the sole reason that they are black. Some statistics in the article state that black students are five times more likely to be expelled compared to their Asian American counterparts, and two times more likely than their white counterparts.

6 Scholarly Article 3  Point of Entry: The Preschool to Prison Pipeline  This article states that in school “children are supposed to be forming the foundation of positive relationships with peers, teachers, and the school institution” but that is not happening for African American children. It states that these children are feeling unwelcome and unsupported in an environment where they should be, as anyone would, being treated in that way. This is creating a lag and these students are more likely to experience a higher drop-out rate, and are more likely to end up incarcerated. This article provides a list of recommendations and approaches to help these students. These are: Prohibiting suspensions and expulsions across early childhood settings, Improving teacher preparation and education with an eye toward cultural responsiveness and racial equity, Expanding access to in-school behavioral and emotional support services, including early childhood mental health consultation, or ECMHC, Increasing funding for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program, Supporting a diverse teacher workforce and pipeline, Promoting meaningful family engagement strategies  Point of Entry: The Preschool to Prison Pipeline  This article states that in school “children are supposed to be forming the foundation of positive relationships with peers, teachers, and the school institution” but that is not happening for African American children. It states that these children are feeling unwelcome and unsupported in an environment where they should be, as anyone would, being treated in that way. This is creating a lag and these students are more likely to experience a higher drop-out rate, and are more likely to end up incarcerated. This article provides a list of recommendations and approaches to help these students. These are: Prohibiting suspensions and expulsions across early childhood settings, Improving teacher preparation and education with an eye toward cultural responsiveness and racial equity, Expanding access to in-school behavioral and emotional support services, including early childhood mental health consultation, or ECMHC, Increasing funding for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program, Supporting a diverse teacher workforce and pipeline, Promoting meaningful family engagement strategies

7 Intervention  My intervention on this issue would be strictly to educate the educators on our community. I would start by creating a presentation and showing it to everyone I can, and ending by showing this presentation to teachers, school administrators, school counselors, and school police officers. I would offer statistical data on this subject and present it in an non attacking or judgmental way.  I believe that this would be a great start because something has to be done to stop this pipeline, and it needs to start from the inception of the problem, which is in our school system.  It wouldn’t cost much, because I would volunteer my time and find others who can help. I hope this has an impact on the African American community by getting the issue out there and spoken about, mainly by the very people who have the greatest impact to change it.  My intervention on this issue would be strictly to educate the educators on our community. I would start by creating a presentation and showing it to everyone I can, and ending by showing this presentation to teachers, school administrators, school counselors, and school police officers. I would offer statistical data on this subject and present it in an non attacking or judgmental way.  I believe that this would be a great start because something has to be done to stop this pipeline, and it needs to start from the inception of the problem, which is in our school system.  It wouldn’t cost much, because I would volunteer my time and find others who can help. I hope this has an impact on the African American community by getting the issue out there and spoken about, mainly by the very people who have the greatest impact to change it.

8 Sources  Point of Entry: The Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline by, Maryam Adamu and Lauren Hogan, Empower Magazine  The School-To-Prison Pipeline Can Start Even Before Kindergarten, Mother Points Out by, Rebecca Klein, Huffington Post  Studies Confirm the Dehumanization of Black Children and the ‘Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline’ by, Sonali Kolhatkar,  Point of Entry: The Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline by, Maryam Adamu and Lauren Hogan, Empower Magazine  The School-To-Prison Pipeline Can Start Even Before Kindergarten, Mother Points Out by, Rebecca Klein, Huffington Post  Studies Confirm the Dehumanization of Black Children and the ‘Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline’ by, Sonali Kolhatkar,

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