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Dinosaur National Park by: Ellie cook. Why Dinosaur National Park came to be In 1915 President Woodrow Wilson made Dinosaur National Park, to preserve.

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Presentation on theme: "Dinosaur National Park by: Ellie cook. Why Dinosaur National Park came to be In 1915 President Woodrow Wilson made Dinosaur National Park, to preserve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dinosaur National Park by: Ellie cook

2 Why Dinosaur National Park came to be In 1915 President Woodrow Wilson made Dinosaur National Park, to preserve 150 million year old dinosaur fossil beds, discovered by Earl Douglass a paleontologist in 1909. In 1938 the monument boundaries were expanded from the original 80 acres area to over 200,000. and is very interesting as you will read on. Please re-grade

3 Maps

4 environment issues Dinosaur national park has experienced many environment issues. some of these include floods, fires, landslides and example of an environmental change is, After days of heavy rain, Rocks filled the riverbed and briefly dammed the Yampa. When this happened, Warm Springs Rapid was created. humans are causing impoundment by rising and lowering the dam. The park also has some air problems in tornado valley.

5 Special landforms encluding- yama river, flaming gorge dam,green river, warm springs Dinosaur receives less than 12 inches of precipitation a year, vegetation is thin and the rock layers. 23 rock layers are visible at the monument. fun fact only a small riffle had marked the mouth of Warm Springs Draw on the Yampa River.

6 h How is technology used maintain the park technology is helping maintain the park in numerous ways. government is allowing people to drill oil and gas wells. an invasive species has come in at one point so they used pest control to get rid of the problem. They also use computers to find fossils.

7 what kind of rocks are found — Sedimentary rocks are found in this park. some of examples are sandstone and conglomerate rocks.For thousands of years pieces have been eroded. Layers are pressed down more and more and after awhile the bottom layers slowly turn into rock.Many fossils are embedded in a sloping rock formation that was once a sandbar on the edge of a large river. As the river carried animal carcasses downstream, many became stuck on the sandbar, which eventually turned to rock. As a result, fossils from hundreds of creatures are concentrated in a small area. Many fossilized bones have been partially exposed but left intact in the rock where they can be easily seen. A building was constructed over the area, which is now known as the qurry at the park Please Re-grade

8 How was the park formed Green and Yampa rivers were formed in 1938. There are Jurassic dinosaur remains. There are also rocks of 1.1 billion years of geologic history.The pile of sediments were later buried and lithified into solid rock.

9 How is the land inside the park currently changing The Yampa river has been flooding over the years. The park has put up a dam. since the dam is put up now the water wont flood over and mes up the park. A park ranger recently reported a chunk of a sauropod bone was missing this bone has been there for 1.5 million years. The bone disappeared from natural causes. At first they thought some one stole it but after investigating they found out the piece just disintegrated. n Feb, 2010, a team of paleontologists from Dinosaur National Monument, Brigham Young University, and the University of Michigan announced the discovery of a new, large, plant-eating dinosaur, Abydosaurus mcintoshi Please Re-grade.

10 bibliography N.p., n.d. Web. picture 2- dinosaur urlbefore and after bone chunk missin Dinosaur National Monument Vandalized as Public Lands Still at Risk."Dinosaur National Monument Vandalized as Public Lands Still at Risk. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2016.ur opening picture "Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs: Dinosaur National Monument Goes Social." Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs: Dinosaur National Monument Goes Social. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2016. topo map- N.p., n.d. Web. picture 2- dinosaur url before and after bone chunk missing "Dinosaur National Monument Vandalized as Public Lands Still at Risk."Dinosaur National Monument Vandalized as Public Lands Still at Risk. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2016. opening picture "Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs: Dinosaur National Monument Goes Social." Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs: Dinosaur National Monument Goes Social. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2016. book-Brown, Cynthia L., and Blair Shedd. "5|." Discover National Monuments, National Parks, Natural Wonders.White River Junction, VT: Nomad, 2008. Print.

11 Thanks for reading

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