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Are you ready for RDM support? Basic training course for information specialists Library – RDM Support Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready for RDM support? Basic training course for information specialists Library – RDM Support Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you ready for RDM support? Basic training course for information specialists Library – RDM Support Project

2 RDMS Introduction to training course2 Context  International attention for research data  National debate on scientific integrity  UvA RDM Support Programme  RDM Support Project

3 RDMS Introduction to training course3 UvA RDM Support programme  RDM Policy Academic Affairs  RDM Support University Library  RDM Storage ICT Services  RDM Repository University Library

4 RDMS Introduction to training course4 RDM Support project 1) Training 2) Website 3) Service Desk 4) Publicity

5 RDMS Introduction to training course5 Training course for information specialists  Sessions  Homework  Final assignment

6 1. Research data management: an introduction RDMS Introduction to training course6

7 1. Research data management: an introduction RDMS Introduction to training course7  What are research data?  What is research data management?  Why and for whom is good research data management important?

8 2. Data management planning RDMS Introduction to training course8

9 2. Data management planning  What is a data management plan?  Usefulness and necessity of a data management plan  Support of data management planning RDMS Introduction to training course9

10 3. Data storage & retention RDMS Introduction to training course10

11  file formats, software and sustainability  to which risks are research data exposed?  security of research data  selection and destruction of data RDMS Introduction to training course11 3. Data storage & retention

12 4. Data organisation & description RDMS Introduction to training course12

13 4. Data organisation & description RDMS Introduction to training course13  documentation of research data  organisation and naming of files  metadata

14 5. Rules concerning research data RDMS Introduction to training course14

15 5. Rules concerning research data RDMS Introduction to training course15  policies of UvA, VSNU, KNAW, NWO, …  legal issues  ethical issues  relationship between scientific integrity and research data

16 6. Data sharing & reuse RDMS Introduction to training course16

17 6. Data sharing & reuse RDMS Introduction to training course17  data sharing: advantages and preconceptions  (dis)advantages of reusing data  referencing data (citation)  repositories

18 7. Data & services RDMS Introduction to training course18

19 7. Data & services RDMS Introduction to training course19  advocacy and information  advising researchers  training early career researchers  signposting and referring  keeping one's own knowledge up to date

20 RDMS Introduction to training course20 Questionnaire

21 RDMS Introduction to training course21 Expectations  basic knowledge of research data (management),  knowledge of available tools and facilities (at the UvA),  knowledge of referral possibilities, and  clarity on one's own role (what precisely am I going to do?)

22 RDMS Introduction to training course22 Course folder  Notes  Presentations  Video transcripts  Information sources

23 RDMS Introduction to training course23 Publication information Presentation: Mariëtte van Selm | Images: Jørgen Stamp | M. van Selm, RDM Support - basic training course for information specialists, course material for session 1. January 2014. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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