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Welcome! First Grade Lake Wilderness elementary School Mrs. Carrell’s Crystals.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! First Grade Lake Wilderness elementary School Mrs. Carrell’s Crystals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! First Grade Lake Wilderness elementary School Mrs. Carrell’s Crystals

2 Future Ready  Active learning: Individual and collaborative  Learning targets….visual for students  Habits of Mind : Risk Taking, Persistence, Attending, Precision  Use of technology  Academic rigor  Students receive feedback  Differentiation  Scoring rubrics 4: Exceeding standard 3: Meeting Standard 2: Approaching standard 1: Significantly below standard

3 Code of Cooperation/Behavior LWES Student Qualities I am safe ! I am respectful ! I am responsible ! I am a learner ! I am a Wildcat !

4 Reading  Read at Home books………read and return each night  Books are at an easy to read level  Sight words to practice are in bag. When ready for a new list just send a note in the bag!  Walk To Read: A shared responsibility and partnership between all the first grade teachers, resource room teachers and children  Students are assessed as needed and regrouped as necessary throughout the year. (Typically 3 times per year)  A typical week includes the following components:  Netbooks: RAZ Kids and Starfall reading programs  Independent Reading  Guided Reading and Literacy Centers  Whole group Reading and phonics lessons

5 Writers Workshop 3 genres: Narrative, Information, and Opinion * Writing meetings: Lessons and modeling of skills *Sharing: Celebrating work *Conferencing: Setting goals to improve skills *Writers Celebrations: End of units

6 Math Whole group lessons: Math Expressions Curriculum Unit Assessment Rubric: 4 exceeds, 3 at standard, 2 approaching, 1 significantly below Daily Routine: Working with numbers and math vocabulary Problem Solvers: Word problems and Habits of Mind Rubric scores: 3, 2, 1 Math Fluency: Timed tests @ 90 seconds: Addition/subtraction through 12 beginning in October Pass= 18/20 or better

7 Social studies and science Units (Pilot classroom this year)  Communities  Sky patterns  Sound and Light  Plant and Animal Life  Mapping

8 Spelling Word Feature and sight word list home on Fridays… test is on the following Friday

9 Second Step Program Skills for Social and Academic success ** Skills for learning **Empathy **Emotions **Problem solving

10 Field Trips Storybook Theater Carco Theater- April Tide pools OR Zoo TBD Late spring

11 Daily Communication Folders  Notes  Lunch Money  Pick up or bus passes

12 Birthday Celebrations  All students will have a day!  Birthday box- book and crown  Come to school and eat lunch with your student!  No food or treats please!

13 Volunteers  Background check through district office and state patrol-valid for 6 years  Chaperone field trips  Run read at home program  Materials prep  Assist in library-shelving books  Watch Dog Program-check with office  Schedule will be sent home with day and hour.

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