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Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 1Winter Quarter Midterm II Review Topics Lecture M2.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 1Winter Quarter Midterm II Review Topics Lecture M2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 1Winter Quarter Midterm II Review Topics Lecture M2

2 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 2Winter Quarter Optional Review Session for Midterm II The review session for ENG H192 second midterm will be on Sunday, March 2nd, in (Location TBD). The review will begin at 6:00pm and last until all questions are answered (estimated to be about 8:00pm). Ted Pavlic and Joe Ryan have agreed to host the review. The midterm will be on Monday, March 3rd, during your regular ENG H192 class time.

3 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 3Winter Quarter What should be on the second mid term exam? Can you name the topics and provide some type of organization for these topics?

4 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 4Winter Quarter Topics for Midterm 2 Repetition structures –forfor (k=1,a=0; k<20; k=k+3) a++; –whilek=1; a=0; while(k<20) {k+=3; a++;} –do { } while k=1; a=0; do {k+=3; a++;} while(k<20); Selection structures –if –if else –if else if else

5 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 5Winter Quarter Topics for Midterm 2 File I/O –FILE statement –detecting an EOF –functions – fopen, fclose, fscanf, fprintf, fgets –feof example: FILE *fptr; int k,a; float b,c; fptr=fopen(“data.dat”,”r”); k=fscanf(fptr,”%f”,&b); if(feof(fptr)||k==EOF) printf(“End of File\n”);

6 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 6Winter Quarter Topics for Midterm 2 I/O –formats, including the specifications for the various data types -- %d, %f, %c, %ld, %s –functions – scanf, printf, getchar, putchar examples: int k,a; float b,c; k = scanf (“%f%d%f”, &b, &a, &c) ; if (k==EOF) printf (“End of file\n”) ; else if (k<3) printf (“Conversion Error\n”) ;

7 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 7Winter Quarter Topics for Midterm 2 Arrays (one and two dimensional) –declaring an array –initializing an array –using (how to index) an array Pointer variables –declaring a pointer variable –initializing a pointer –dereferencing a pointer Arrays, Pointers, Values, and Addressing (like Quiz 4)

8 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 8Winter Quarter Topics for Midterm 2 Character strings –declaring character strings (arrays of characters) –initializing character strings –using character strings –functions in and for handling and doing string I/O –comparing and sorting strings (strcpy, strcmp, strlen)

9 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 9Winter Quarter Topics for Midterm 2 User-written functions –function prototype –function definition –function invocation User libraries –user-written header files –user library files –using a user library file on CC command

10 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 10Winter Quarter Topics for Midterm 2 MATLAB –basic syntax –vectors and matrices –math operators –loading data –plotting data –labeling axes and plots –writing a MATLAB function

11 Engineering H192 - Computer Programming Gateway Engineering Education Coalition Lect M2P. 11Winter Quarter Topics for Midterm 2 Engineering Laboratory –data acquisition system –basic stress/strain concepts –relationship between stress and strain (Young's modulus) –what is a strain gauge –rocket motor performance basics –how to measure thrust –thrust-time curve –basic aerodynamics

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