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Fountain Incident Management (FIM)

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1 Fountain Incident Management (FIM)
Upgrade Communication Pack Version 5.1 to 5.4

2 Summary of Enhancements
The Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) is now on the First Report. Slide 1. RAM in the First Report The work flow has been simplified and standardised across all Shell. Slide 2. Workflow Slide 2.1. FIM Workflow Simple showing individual actions The Navigation Tree now allows you to move swiftly through the record and the pages now look and feel different. Slide 3. New Navigation Tree Slide 3.1. Look and Feel enhanced Slide 3.2. Different Menu Structure Slide 3.3. Action Menu can be Moved Slide 3.4. Menu Location Preferences Reports can now be scheduled. Slide 4. New Scheduler An extra level has been placed in the Geographic hierarchy. Slide 5. Hierarchy With DS, there have been useful changes to the List of Values (LoV’s), further improvements may follow later in 2008. Slide 6. List of Values Additional languages will become available during 2008. Slide 7. Additional languages will soon be supported The Non-Conformance module is now the Product Quality module. Slide 8. Consequence Modules

3 1. RAM in the First Report There is now the option to add the RAM to a First Report First Reporters now have the ability to edit a report until it is moved from Draft status to Open status

4 2. Workflow The workflow has been simplified and standardised across Shell. At it’s simplest it now includes 3 steps: Draft Open Closed If all options (workflow responsibilities) are enabled there are 5 steps: Pending Classification Pending Final Approval The simple workflow is shown in the next slide, see the Group FIM Website for more information.

5 2.1. FIM Workflow Simple showing individual actions

6 3. New Navigation Tree New Dynamic Navigation Tree allows users to move more easily within the incident record. You can hover your mouse over the item to display a pop-up summary of the record (see below) This saves time by allowing users to preview records without having to open them

7 3.1 Look and Feel Enhanced Old Version 5.1 New Version 5.4

8 3.2 Different Menu Structure
New menu layout enhancement Multiple columns which will show all available functions for that user. (Note: It only shows functions that the user has permission to view) New Version 5.4 Old Version 5.1

9 3.3 Action Menu can be Moved
The Action Menu can be on the left side. Or it can be on the bottom (as in 5.1) Use ‘Settings’ to effect the change.

10 3.4 Menu Location Preferences
Improved used of screen space. New ability to ‘Hide’ header portions of the screen. Click Hide button and top of header page is hidden giving more work space Click Show button and top of header returns to view

11 4. New Scheduler A new Scheduler feature in version 5.4 allows you to have your own reports scheduled and ed to you at a pre-determined time. This significantly reduces routine workload for those who run regular, standardised reports.

12 End

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