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Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 1 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 1 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 1 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p Workshop 7 Business models, regulatory framework, local authority and private operators involvement Thessaloniki, Greece 24 th February 2011 Presented by: Dora Ramazzotti, SRM, IT Opening Session Title: An overview on FLIPPER Project

2 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 2 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas The FLIPPER Project Title: Flexible Transport Services and ICT platform for Eco-Mobility in urban and rural European areas FLIPPER is funded via EU INTERREG IVC programme Length: 36+3 months (Sept 08 – Nov 11) Objective: Exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge on Flexible Transport Services Co-ordinator: The FLIPPER initiative is led by the Public Transport Authority of Bologna (SRM) Partnership: 11 partners – mix of academics and practitioners (local municipalities, authorities and bus operators) Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p

3 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 3 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas The FLIPPER Consortium 7 EU Countries - 11 partners: –SRM - Reti e Mobilità (IT) LEADER –ATL – Livorno PT operator (IT) –ATAF – Florence PT operator (IT) –University of Thessaloniki (AUTH, GR) –University of Bodenkultur, Wien (BOKU, AT) –Municipality of Purbach (AT) –University of Aberdeen (UK) –DOYK, Volos (GR) –Insular Council of Formentera (ES) –Municipality of Almada (PT) –Ring a Link, not-for- profit organisation (RAL, IE) Overall budget: € 2.969.000,00 Funded 75-85% Interreg IVC Co-funded by National Governements Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p

4 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 4 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas What have we been doing in FLIPPER? Transferring Knowledge Training courses Workshops Dissemination Brochures - Newsletters Web-site Virtual Library Knowledge Raising 12 Feasibility studies [Bologna-IT, Budrio-IT, Livorno-IT, Scandicci-IT, Defereggental-AT, Purbach-AT, Kastoria-EL, Langadas-EL, Volos-EL, Formentera-ES, Almada-PT, South Tipperary-IE] 6 Pilot applications [Bologna-IT, Purbach-AT, Kastoria-EL, Volos-EL, Formentera-ES, South Tipperary-IE] Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p

5 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 5 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas The 12 feasibility sites have different characteristics and needs, thus allowing the investigation of the impacts of the proposed flexible transport solutions across a range of operational environments –analysis of existing mobility demand and PT services currently offered at each site; –assessment of citizens needs + operational, financial and organisational constraints; –the definition of the most suitable mobility service schemes for improving and extending accessibility and reducing the environmental impacts (most suitable will not always be FTS) The Feasibility Studies Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p

6 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 6 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas The Pilots Drawing on the outputs from the feasibility studies, 6 sites will be fully developed into pilot applications. The implementation of the pilots will include: –design and implementation of ICT solutions supporting operation and coordination of FTS ; –implementation of the supporting organisational measures required to achieve the planned FTS; –start up the pilot demonstration; –data collection and evaluation of the FTS impacts; –identification and transfer of good practices. Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p

7 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 7 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p

8 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 8 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas Workshop 7 – Thessaloniki 24th February 2011 p

9 Workshop 6, Bologna, 13.12.10 Partner Logo 9 FLIPPER FL exible transport services and I CT P latform for eco-mobility in urban and rural Euro PE an a R eas thanks for your attention 

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