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MOIP – Music Over IP Bandwidth Considerations and Design Improvements Keo Malope Computer Engineering with Software Specialization.

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Presentation on theme: "MOIP – Music Over IP Bandwidth Considerations and Design Improvements Keo Malope Computer Engineering with Software Specialization."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOIP – Music Over IP Bandwidth Considerations and Design Improvements Keo Malope Computer Engineering with Software Specialization

2 Resources My Uvic Website – : Home >> Projects >> SENG 321 Project Website – : Home >> Documents >> S2c: High Level Design Document

3 System Overview

4 Design Limitation Streaming content directly from the cloud – Why go this route? Simplified architecture/ design Reduced load on MOIP servers – Ok, so what’s the problem?

5 Design Limitation Three (3) problems inherent in this strategy 1.Availability/Reliability Amazon S3 vs MOIP 2.Inflexible internet speed requirement Buffering 3.Cost Streaming from cloud vs. Streaming from MOIP Servers

6 Design Limitation…continued Cost

7 Design Limitation…continued Cost

8 Proposed Improvement Address problem (1) – Availability/ Reliability – Stream songs directly from MOIP servers – Several users can “share” one file Check metadata to ensure user uploaded exact copy

9 Proposed Improvement …continued Address problem (2) – “Buffering” – Choose quality of song to stream based on internet speed For example:- MPEG-1 Audio Layer III standard: 32, 40, 48, …. 320 kbit/s – Stream same quality as that uploaded, or less Check ID3 Tag bit rate

10 Proposed Improvement…continued Address problem (3) – Cost – Reduced cloud storage accesses << – Synchronization of cloud with client computer

11 Summary Shift load from thirdparty to MOIP servers – Control of availability – “Share” files – Adjust stream rate according to internet speed


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