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Corner of franshoek road & forest drive, pine slopes, 2021 4851, rivonia, 2128 tel: +27 11 465 7010 fax: +27 11 705 1458

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Presentation on theme: "Corner of franshoek road & forest drive, pine slopes, 2021 4851, rivonia, 2128 tel: +27 11 465 7010 fax: +27 11 705 1458"— Presentation transcript:

1 corner of franshoek road & forest drive, pine slopes, 2021 4851, rivonia, 2128 tel: +27 11 465 7010 fax: +27 11 705 1458 email: CHE ACCREDITATION 15 November 2006, Port Elizabeth

2 System Overview Learners select learning pathway/s and (a) provider/s Providers develop and facilitate learning programmes Learners learn and show competence Individual, community, national and global needs for competence Outcomes required of learning are specified Quality management (Learners continue their learning)

3 Who is the CHE… and the HEQC? The South African Council on Higher Education (CHE) Quality assurance activities and accreditation is housed within the CHE sub-committee: Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC)

4 CHE Structure CHE (15): Administration Chief Executive Officer's Office Finance Media and Communication Monitoring and Evaluation HEQC (30): Accreditation and Coordination (11/30) Executive Director's Office Institutional Audits National Reviews Directorate Quality Promotion and Capacity Development

5 Directorate Accreditation and Coordination Accreditation of public providers Accreditation of private providers Collaboration with professional councils and SETAs Accreditation & evaluation framework of others HEQC Accreditation

6 HEQC Accreditation (continued) Accreditation is the recognition status given for a stipulated period of time by the HEQC to a programme after an evaluation indicates that it meets or exceeds a minimum threshold of educational quality

7 Other ETQAs "The HEQC, although accredited by… SAQA as the Band ETQA for… HE, has to operate alongside other… ETQAs in Higher Education. SAQA has recognised the coordinating role of the HEQC in this regard, and the HEQC itself has indicated its willingness to engage in co-operation agreements with other ETQAs in a search for coherence, lack of duplication and a tolerable accountability regime for higher education institutions… In keeping with the SAQA requirement of one provider: one ETQA, the HEQC will enter into agreements with professional councils and SETA ETQAs in order to co-ordinate quality assurance activities"

8 Accreditation Phases 1.Candidacy 2.Midterm-check 3.Accreditation

9 Institution Criteria Institution Information Financial + Administrative + Academic + Physical Staff Selection, Appraisal and Development Internal Quality Management System Legal Requirements

10 Reporting Institution Criteria (continued) Research Learner Entry, Guidance and Support systems Off/Work-site Practical Assessment

11 Programme Criteria Academic Staff Enrolments Credit Value Motivation Programme Design Outcomes Programme Admission

12 Learning activities Criteria: Programme Assessment Experiential Learning Library Computer Equipment Advisory Committee

13 corner of franshoek road & forest drive, pine slopes, 2021 4851, rivonia, 2128 tel: +27 11 465 7010 fax: +27 11 705 1458 email: THANK YOU! 15 November 2006, Port Elizabeth

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