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THIS IS Rules/Procedures Get in groups of about 10 people. There should be three semi-equal teams. Answer a question by raising your hand. An individual.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Rules/Procedures Get in groups of about 10 people. There should be three semi-equal teams. Answer a question by raising your hand. An individual."— Presentation transcript:



3 Rules/Procedures Get in groups of about 10 people. There should be three semi-equal teams. Answer a question by raising your hand. An individual cannot raise their hand twice in succession. This is so everyone gets a chance to answer for their team. You may be given a sentence to complete or an english word to translate to in french (with article un/une) You will also need a sheet of paper for Final Jeopardy.

4 100 200 300 400 500 Les spectacles Il est..Genre de films Verbs

5 On va au cinéma pour voir… A 100

6 Un film A 100

7 A 200 Actress

8 Une actrice A 200

9 Exhibit A 300

10 Une exposition A 300

11 Play A 400

12 Une Pièce De Théâtre A 400

13 Musical A 500

14 Une comédie musicale A 500

15 Brad Pitt B 100

16 Un acteur B 100

17 Kelly Clarkson B 200

18 Une chanteuse B 200

19 Trans-Siberian Orchestra B 300

20 Un orchestre B 300

21 Los Angeles Lakers B 400

22 Une équipe B 400

23 Tom Brady B 500

24 Un joueur de football B 500

25 Terminator C 100

26 Un film d’aventures C 100

27 Sherlock Holmes C 200

28 Un film policier C 200

29 Day of the Dead C 300

30 Un film d’horreur C 300

31 C 400 DAILY DOUBLE Place A Wager

32 The Simpsons C 400

33 Un dessin animé C 400

34 À la folie... pas du tout C 500

35 Un drame psychologique C 500

36 to leave, to let D 100

37 laisser D 100

38 To get, pick up, look for D 200

39 chercher D 200

40 To find D 300

41 trouver D 300

42 To keep D 400

43 garder D 400

44 To forget D 500

45 oublier D 500

46 Question Number One E E 100

47 Correct Response One E E 100

48 Question Number Two E E 200

49 Correct Response Two E E 200

50 Question Number Three E E 300

51 Correct Response Three E E 300

52 Question Number Four E E 400

53 Correct Response Four E E 400

54 Question Number Five E E 500

55 Correct Response Five E E 500

56 The classification of Mammals with pouches F 100

57 What are Maruspials? F 100

58 This second largest bird in the world is native to Australia F 200

59 What is the ostrich? F 200

60 Australia’s wild dogs F 300

61 What are dingos? F 300

62 This Australian island is the home of a devil and a wolf F 400

63 What is Tasmania? F 400

64 Although the National Bird of New Zealand, it is also indigenous to Australia F 500

65 What is the Kiwi? F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Les spectacles Please record your wager on your sheet of paper. Click on screen to begin

67 How do you say the following in french? “We go to the stadium to watch a baseball game once a week.” 30 seconds, Discuss in your teams quietly. Write down your answer on the back of the sheet of paper. Good luck.

68 Correct answer: Nous allons au stade pour assister à un match de baseball une fois par semaine.

69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

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