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Frederick Griffith. Oswald Avery, Maclyn McCarty, and Colin MacLeod.

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Presentation on theme: "Frederick Griffith. Oswald Avery, Maclyn McCarty, and Colin MacLeod."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frederick Griffith

2 Oswald Avery, Maclyn McCarty, and Colin MacLeod

3 Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase

4 Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins

5 Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase


7 DNA Structure

8 The DNA of the gene is transcribed into RNA Which is translated into protein The flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to Protein is called the CENTRAL DOGMA DNA RNA Protein Protein Synthesis - Overview

9 NucleusTranscriptionmRNADNA PolypeptideCytoplasmTranslation DNA RNA Protein Protein Synthesis - Overview

10 Central Dogma - FLOW IS FROM DNA TO RNA TO PROTEIN Protein Synthesis (Overview)

11 FLOW IS FROM DNA TO RNA TO PROTEIN Genes on DNA are expressed through proteins, which provide the molecular basis for inherited traits A particular gene, is a linear sequence of many nucleotides The gene specifies a polypeptide (long protein made of amino acids) Protein Synthesis (Overview)

12 Genes - discrete units of hereditary information comprised of a nucleotide sequence found in a DNA molecule. Protein Synthesis (Overview)

13 DNA Replication (Real Time) Harvard DNA Replication - enzyme explanations DNA Replication – short DNA Transcription - DNA to RNA Translation in the Cytoplasm - RNA to Protein Translation - Step by Step ANIMATIONS

14 DNA Replication


16 tRNA and Binding of Amino Acids to tRNA

17 Translation – RNA to polypeptide

18 Protein Synthesis Word Bank: tRNARNA Polymerasetranscription pre mRNANucleusamino acids mRNAtranslationcodons ribosomeanticodongrowing polypeptide ExonintronDNA

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