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Exercise 1 You have a clinical study in which 10 patients will either get the standard treatment or a new treatment Randomize which 5 of the 10 get the.

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Presentation on theme: "Exercise 1 You have a clinical study in which 10 patients will either get the standard treatment or a new treatment Randomize which 5 of the 10 get the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exercise 1 You have a clinical study in which 10 patients will either get the standard treatment or a new treatment Randomize which 5 of the 10 get the new treatment so that all possible combinations can result. Use Excel or R or another formal randomization method. Instead, randomize so that in each pair of patients entered by date, one has the standard and one the new treatment (blocked randomization). What are the advantages of each method? Why is randomization important? April 2, 2013SPH 247 Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Data1

2 Exercise 2 Analyze the testosterone levels from Rosner’s endocrin data set in the same way as we did for the estradiol levels, using anova(lm()) Reanalyze estradiol and testosterone using lme() and verify that the results are the same. Here is the specification lme(Testosterone ~ 1, random = ~1 | Subject,data=endocrin) Repeat the analysis of the coop data for specimens 2 and 5 separately. Do the analysis both with the traditional ANOVA tables using lm() and with lme() and compare the results April 2, 2013SPH 247 Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Data2

3 Data Sources The coop data is from the MASS library (Modern Applied Statistics in S) The folate data and the enalaprilat data are from ISwR (Introductory Statistics with R) Estradiol data are from Rosner Fasting blood glucose from Andrews and Herzberg, Data, with the data on Statlib at April 2, 2013SPH 247 Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Data3

4 Course Website April 2, 2013SPH 247 Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Data4

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