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Introduction to Terminology Objective 3.02 - Discuss medical terminology used by those working in the veterinary phase of the small animal care industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Terminology Objective 3.02 - Discuss medical terminology used by those working in the veterinary phase of the small animal care industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Terminology Objective 3.02 - Discuss medical terminology used by those working in the veterinary phase of the small animal care industry.

2 Components of Medical Terminology 1.Prefix - word part at the beginning of the word indicating number, location, time, or status. ▫Examples:  A-,an- → without, lack of ➢ anemia → without red blood cells  Anti- → against, opposing ➢ antiseptic → against infection  Pre- → before ➢ Preoperative → before operation

3 Components of Medical Terminology 2. Root words – word part that gives the fundamental meaning of the word ▫Examples:  Cardi- → heart ➢ Cardiology → study of the heart  Gastr- → stomach ➢ Gastrostomy → surgical opening of the stomach  Phleb-, Ven- → vein/blood ➢ Phlebotomist → person who obtains blood from veins

4 Components of Medical Terminology 3. Suffixes – Word part at the end of the word indicating procedure, condition, disease or disorder. ▫Examples:  -algia → pain ➢ arthralgia → painful joints  -centesis → surgical puncture to remove fluids ➢ cystocentesis → removing fluid from the bladder  -itis → inflammation ➢ Bronchitis → inflammation of the bronchial tubes  -rrhea → flow or discharge ➢ diarrhea → watery flow or discharge

5 Time for “Kick me!” Each of you has a word on their back Using the chart in your notes, identify the words on your backs and place them next to the correct definition


7 Medical Abbreviations Ad lib – as much as desired sid – one time daily bid – two times daily tid – three times daily qid – four times daily qh – every hour qd – every day w/o – without Stat – immediately N – normal DSH – domestic short hair (cat) DLH – domestic long hair (cat) Dx – diagnosis Hx – history Rx – prescription

8 Sx – surgery FeLV – Feline leukemia virus FIA – Feline infectious anemia FIP – Feline infectious peritonitis ECG – electrocardiogram ICU – intensive care unit cc – cubic centimeter ml – milliliter wt – weight HR – heart rate PCV – packed cell volume sg – specific gravity TPR – temperature, pulse, respiration UA, U/A – urinalysis IM – intramuscular IP – intraperitoneal IV - intravenous

9 Sub-Q – subcutaneous rbc – red blood cell wbc – white blood cell DVM – Doctor of Veterinary Medicine CNS – central nervous system GI – gastrointestinal DOA – dead on arrival DOB – date of birth Female Male

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