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A lot of questions and a few answers about the CSCC Mathematics Curriculum Lee Wayand & T.J. Duda CSCC Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "A lot of questions and a few answers about the CSCC Mathematics Curriculum Lee Wayand & T.J. Duda CSCC Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 A lot of questions and a few answers about the CSCC Mathematics Curriculum Lee Wayand & T.J. Duda CSCC Mathematics

2 The Current “BIA” Pathway (Beginning and Intermediate Algebra)


4 3 Credits

5 Some Success Data (AU13/SP14) SP 14 Success RateAU 13 Success Rate MATH 1050 (traditional)49%46% MATH 1075 (traditional)54%59% MATH 1050 (web/blended)28%29% MATH 1075 (web/blended)37%30% MATH 109966%60%

6 OBR : OTM Mathematics Guidelines Evolving Transfer acceptance based on Learning Outcomes Prescribed Prerequisites replaced with Outcomes Encouraging Innovation

7 New Pathway Vision Math 1025 Quant. Lit. Stat 1350 Statistics Math 1119 Fire Science/EMS DEV 0114 Computer Science A.A.S 2-yr BIA Quant. Reasoning Math for Lib. Arts PreCalculus Calculus Transfer 4-yr

8 An Example that Actually Exists!


10 Placement

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