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Mrs. Paxton’s 5th Grade Class

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Paxton’s 5th Grade Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Paxton’s 5th Grade Class
Welcome, students!

2 Welcome to Fifth Grade! I will introduce you to fifth grade and to our classroom. If you have any questions during my presentation, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.

3 All About Me My background I live in Pinch.
I have lived in West Virginia all my life. My experience I went to West Virginia State University and received a degree in Elementary Education. I am attending Marshall Graduate online to receive my Master’s degree. My family My husband, Colt Our rottweiler, Duke

4 What I Expect from You This year we will be doing many fun activities as long as the behavior is acceptable (keep that in mind ). You will be expected to master your multiplication and division facts. I expect you to never give up even when you think you can’t do something. I expect you to clean up after yourself. I expect you to do your homework daily. I expect you to follow the rules at all times. Always do your best no matter what!

5 Activity Time! Now that you know a little about me, you are going to write down some things that I should know about you! “Tell Me About Yourself”

6 Morning Procedures When you come into the classroom, you need to make sure you have everything they will need for the day. (Books, homework, pencils, materials, etc.) When the bell rings at 7:40, if you are not in your seat and ready for the day, you are tardy. Make sure you sharpen pencils in the morning. The only other time you will be able to sharpen them is during snack. You will always have some sort of morning work. Usually, it is a daily fix-it and sometimes a math sheet. The daily fix-it will be written in your journal.

7 Morning Procedures, cont.
As you come in, I will check your homework as well as stamp your assignment book every morning. These materials should be out on your desk and ready for me to check. If you finish your morning work, you are expected to take out a reading book and read silently or complete Boggle or Math It Up. You can take AR tests during this time.

8 Assignment Books Will be used DAILY
Must get signed every night whether you have homework or not Every day before leaving, I will stamp your assignment book as to what color you are on that day. YOU are responsible for writing WHY you had to move a clip

9 Class Rules Listen when your teacher is talking.
Follow directions quickly. Respect others, respect yourself, and respect your school. Raise your hand to speak or stand. Be safe, be kind, and be honest.

10 Sound Check Let’s look at our sounds check reminders.

11 Classroom Procedures During class there will be NO BLURTING! If a student blurts a clip will be pulled immediately. If there are questions or something that needs to be told to the teacher you MUST raise your hand and wait to be called on. Students are not to get out of their seats unless asked. This includes getting a tissue. If a student gets up without permission a clip will be pulled. Note: There will be times when we will be up and around the room, however, you will be instructed when to do so.

12 Bathroom Procedures To keep interruptions limited you will use this sign to ask to use the restroom! I will simply shake my head yes or no and then you may QUIETLY get up and go. ~~~~~~~~~> You will only be permitted to go to the bathroom or to get a drink twice a day. Make your hand do the sign!

13 Bathroom Procedures cont.
If there is a class taking a bathroom break, you need to come back to class and wait until they leave. We will take one bathroom break as a class during the morning.

14 Passes The bathroom passes are located by the file cabinets by the door. Make sure to use the restroom before school starts and other designated times. Please limit bathroom use to emergencies during instruction. You are only permitted two bathroom passes per day.

15 Hallway Procedures Line up at the door with hands clasped behind your back. NO TALKING! Face forward and keep to the right side of the hallway.

16 Activity Time! Let’s explore our classroom
Are there any questions about anything in the room?

17 Our Schedule 7:45-8:45 Reading/Math 8:45-9:15 Computer Lab
9:15-9:45 Guided Reading (Working Snack) 9:45-10:15 Reading Interventions 10:15-10:45 P.E./Music 10:45-11:00 Recess 11:00-11:30 Lunch 11:35-12:05 Science/Social Studies 12:05-12: Writing 12:30-1:30 Math/Reading 1:30-2:00 Math Interventions 2:00-2:05 Dismissal Monday, Wednesday, & every other Friday= P.E. Tuesday, Thursday= Music Every other Friday= Library Thursdays 11:35-12:15 Art

18 Class Subjects The subjects we cover during fifth grade are:
Reading and writing Math Science Social studies

19 Reading Take a few minutes to explore through your Reading book!

20 Writing This year we will be using 6+1 Writing!

21 Math We will be using Saxon Math this year! (We are the only school in the county using this.) We will also be using parts of Everyday Math.

22 Science/Social Studies
We will be switching classes for Science and Social Studies. Mrs. Paxton = Science Mrs. Long = Social Studies

23 Homework We will have homework every night except for Fridays.
I will try not to assign as much homework on Wednesdays due to church night. Homework is due the morning after it has been assigned. If homework is not complete or not returned a clip will be pulled! If homework is not turned in 3 times is 1 week you will receive a B.I.F You WILL be rewarded for doing your homework every night and here’s how… Homeworkopoly

24 Your Desk What to keep in your desk
Basket with at least 2 sharpened pencils, textbooks, library books Chair pockets = Folders, journal, assignment book, Smart Pal – NO TEXTBOOKS What NOT to keep in your desk Loose papers… That’s why you have folders Toys… Keep those at home or they become mine  Trapper Keepers.. There is no room for them! Pencil sharpeners… These make a mess and are often a distraction. Please keep them at home. There should not be anything left on your desk at the end of the day.

25 Lockers You are to go directly to your lockers after breakfast and quickly put your things away. You need to make sure that you are keeping your locker neat and organized. Please do not put any food or drinks in your locker. The food will spoil and will make a mess. Being at your lockers is not a time to stop and talk to your friends.

26 Job Chart Everyone will get a job within a month’s time.
There are only 6 jobs, so you have to wait your turn. Let’s explain the jobs!

27 Bullying Mary Ingles Elementary is a bully-free school
We absolutely DO NOT TOLERATE bullying This includes behavior on the bus If someone is bullying you or you see someone being bullied, let an adult know IMMEDIATELY. If you are the bully, there will be consequences.

28 Activity Time! “Find Somebody in the Class Who…”

29 Chimes When you hear the chimes, you are to IMMEDIATELY stop talking, raise your hand, and look at the person who has rang the bell. This applies to ALL places in the school, especially the cafeteria. Remember YOU ARE ROLE MODELS.

30 Playground Rules If the equipment is wet, do not use it. NO TAG!
Use the equipment properly. Be sure to share the swings with others. When you see my hand raise or the bell ring, line up in a single file line in front of the building.

31 Respect and Protect Our behavior chart is new this year!
Everyone starts their clothespin on green at the beginning of each day. If you are not following classroom and school procedures, you will pull a clip. If you pull your clip 3 times throughout the day, you will receive a BIF. Let’s look at how we can move our clips UP!  Everyone starts the 9 weeks with 20 points. Each BIF is 1 point. If you have less than 15 points, you will not participate in the celebration.

32 Perfect Attendance We will be trying to spell out “Perfect Attendance”. However, we will no longer be having ice cream as a reward. INSTEAD… You get to choose the reward! (If approved by Mrs. Paxton)

33 Drills Look at flyers for directions Stay quiet during all drills
Stay with teacher and classmates

34 Dismissal Agendas Check mailboxes Get backpacks and pack up
Walkers line up and dismiss at 2:02 Bus students line up and dismiss at 2:05

35 Just Some Extras! I expect each and every student to respect each other as well as me. I expect a positive classroom atmosphere for learning. Let’s try our best to keep this up! If you ever need to talk about anything or if something or someone is bothering you, please don’t hesitate to come to me. I want each and every one of you to feel safe and comfortable in this classroom.

36 At school or at home and all the day through, it’s good to remember…
At school or at home and all the day through, it’s good to remember…. You are responsible for YOU!!!

37 Let’s Have a Great Year!

38 Other Activities A Secret Message Organize Data Notebooks
Update Math & Reading Folders 2 Truths and a Lie

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