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Earth’s Materials Minerals – The building blocks of the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Materials Minerals – The building blocks of the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Materials Minerals – The building blocks of the Earth

2 Minerals Minerals are substances which are Naturally occurring Solid Inorganic Definite composition Definite atomic arrangement

3 Minerals There are approximately 4000 known minerals (some common, some rare) All are compounds of elements. Most minerals are composed of 8 elements

4 Common Elements of Earth’s Crust NameElement Symbol Percent by mass (crust) OxygenO46.6% SiliconSi27.7% AluminumAl8.1% IronFe5.0% CalciumCa3.6% SodiumNa2.8% PotassiumK2.6% MagnesiumMg2.1% Other1.5%

5 Mineral Properties and Identification – (Reference Tables) 1. Luster – Metallic or non-metallic The way light shines off a fresh surface of the mineral Most minerals are non-metallic

6 Mineral Properties/ID 2. Hardness The resistance a mineral has to being scratched

7 Moh’s Hardness Scale

8 Mineral Properties/ID 3. Cleavage/Fracture Cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along zones of weakness and form smooth, parallel sides. Fracture is the tendency of a mineral to break in random directions

9 Mineral Properties/ID Color and Streak The color of a mineral can be useful, HOWEVER, it can vary due to slight chemical differences The streak is the color of freshly crushed mineral powder and is usually constant.

10 Mineral Properties/ID Using the Reference Tables

11 Mineral Formation 1 From Magma (molten rock) – Magma (very hot) begins to cool – As the magma cools, atoms and molecules begin for form compounds – Compounds merge together to form mineral grains – Many different minerals can form out of one ‘batch’ of magma

12 Mineral Formation 2 Recrystalization – A rock is subjected to high temperature and pressure – Some minerals begin to chemically change without melting – Atoms and molecules recombine in a new way and minerals begin to grow

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