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The Islamic University Of Gaza Faculty Of Science Department Of Medical Technology Detected By : Fatma M. EL-Jamal Supervisor : Dr. Abdelraouf Elmanama.

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Presentation on theme: "The Islamic University Of Gaza Faculty Of Science Department Of Medical Technology Detected By : Fatma M. EL-Jamal Supervisor : Dr. Abdelraouf Elmanama."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Islamic University Of Gaza Faculty Of Science Department Of Medical Technology Detected By : Fatma M. EL-Jamal Supervisor : Dr. Abdelraouf Elmanama

2 Principle Significance Question

3 * Bacterial species may be differentiated on the basis of their ability to reduce nitrate to nitrite or nitrogenous gases. * The biochemical pathway involved in nitrate reduction is the Figure

4 * The nitrate reduction test is based on the detection of nitrite in the medium after incubation with an organism. If nitrite present in the medium: Red color

5 Colorless: - ve nitrite two explanations for this observation: * The nitrate may not have been reduced (nitrate – ve) * The nitrate may have been reduced to nitrite which has then been completely reduced to nitrogen oxide or nitrogen (nitrite +ve)

6 After adding zinc dust : * small amount ("knife point") of zinc dust is added to the incubated medium. Red color : -ve nitrite Colorless : +ve nitrite * Metallic zinc catalyzes the reduction of NO3 to NO2.

7 * Most G-ve bacilli +ve nitrate, and –ve nitrite * Use to identification of only few G-ve bacilli such as :Moraxella, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas,Vibrio, and Flavobacterium. * strains of Neisseria mucosa, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Kingella denitrificans nitrate +ve.

8 * Strains of M. catarrhalis and K. denitrificans have been misidentified as N. gonorrhoeae nitrate –ve.

9 .* Medium: Nitrate broth * Reagents: (1)Sulfanilic acid solution (Nitrate reagent A): 0.8% in 5N acetic acid. (2)Alpha-Naphthylamine solution (Nitrate reagent B): 0.6% in 5N acetic acid. (3)Zinc powder : Store at room temperature (15C to 30C)

10 * Nitrate reductase +ve control: Kingella denitrificans, CDC 10,236 * Nitrate reductase -ve control: Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ATCC 43069

11 * Inoculate a nitrate broth with the test organism * Incubate at 37C for 24hr * Add 5drops of reagent A (Sulfanilic acid) And 5drops of reagent B (naphthylamine ) *If it’s colorless add a pinch of zinc dust to the tube *Read and record results

12 REACTION N 2 gas Color after adding reagents Color after adding zinc NO 3 to NO 2 NO 3 to N 2 NO 3 to ammonia NO 3 ( no reaction) none yes no color red pink-red no color -- (not added)




16 * False -Ve, false +Ve. * Failure to detect pink color in the uninoculated medium control tube after the addition of Zn dust may be due : (1) medium not containing nitrate (2)too much zinc dust NO3 NO2 (a false-positive ) N2

17 * uninoculated medium control Reagent A,B pink color the media is contaminated with nitrite * The reaction that occurs only under anaerobic conditions, in O2 no reaction. * determine if oxygen medium a drop of oxidase reagent Purple O2 is present Colorless O2 not present

18 *If the test is performed properly and quality control strains give appropriate results, there should be no limitations to this test. Care must be taken to ensure that all components of the test are performed properly. *No identification of genus or species can be made on the basis of the nitrate reduction test alone.

19 * Is nitrate reduction an aerobic pathway or an anaerobic pathway? *Why add zinc powder? Metallic zinc catalyzes the reduction of NO3 to NO2 When do you add it? After incubation and adding reagent A,B and give colorless anaerobic

20 * * * * 7

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