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Transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations Gary Jedlovec and the SPoRT Team SPoRT Accomplishments.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations Gary Jedlovec and the SPoRT Team SPoRT Accomplishments."— Presentation transcript:

1 transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations Gary Jedlovec and the SPoRT Team SPoRT Accomplishments

2 SPoRT Metrics Evaluate accomplishments through the use of program metrics Publications Peer reviewed on new research and transitional capabilities and techniques Publication of transitional results and assessments are appropriate although not always in peer-reviewed publications Successful transitions New products and research capabilities in end users decision support systems Impact of NASA data / capabilities rather than number of transitions is important Community recognition Peer recognition as a community partner and “place to go” for the transition of research capabilities to the operational weather community Others adopting the SPoRT paradigm transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations

3 Major Accomplishments (since 2007) Publications –Peer-reviewed journal (9) – observational techniques and model forecasts –Conference papers / presentations (58) – AMS, AGU, NWA, workshops –Numerous product assessment by partners / end users and >70 blog posts on usage of NASA data to address forecast problems EOS products in operations –Expansion of WFOs from 7 to 15, added suite of 30 products and visualization capabilities More effective data dissemination methods to end users –Use of NWS regional LDM servers vs. individual FTP –MODIS SST composite ingest option for WRF-EMS software Transition of capabilities to AWIPS II – Jason Burks (NWS/ITO HUN) developed plug-in for McIDAS image data, preliminary SPoRT data in AWIPS II transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations

4 Major Accomplishments (since 2007) AIRS data assimilation –Completed transition from ADAS to WRF-Var, finalized profile assimilation study, paper in preparation –Finalized radiance assimilation study in the operational system (GSI/NAM), published results, Ph.D. (McCarty) WRF initialization experiments and transition – LIS and SSTs –Configured and implemented prototype real-time LIS, summer precipitation modeling and verification study over Southeastern U.S., published results –Completed Miami, FL multi-month modeling study, and ran parallel NSSL/WRF runs with MODIS SSTs during 2009 and began verification, published paper on compositing technique WRF cloud parameterization adjustment with CloudSat –Evaluated the snow-related assumptions within the NASA Goddard scheme and determined paths for improvement based upon a field campaign study, 3 papers in preparation, Ph.D. (Molthan) transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations

5 Major Accomplishments (since 2007) Lightning warning and forecasts –Evaluated and published performance on WRF-based lightning threat forecasting LMA data to WFOs –Add WFOs for LMA dissemination, establishing real-time data from the KSC LDAR / White Sands LMA, BAMS publication Training – Development of web-based modules for MODIS, LMA, CIRA Blended TPW, GOES Aviation products – Short, science lectures delivered during 9 site visits outside of HUN and via bi-monthly coordination calls on topics of MODIS, AMSR-E, LIS, LMA, WRF- EMS, ADAS, GOES Aviation Assessments – Increased partner collaboration with four separate assessment reports, surveys, and blog posts transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations

6 Major Accomplishments (since 2007) Expanded partnerships through external funding sources – JPL (ROSES 07) – develop and disseminate enhanced real-time MODIS/AMSR-E SST product – FAA – pilot project for enhanced convective forecasts for NY TRACON applications using NASA data – WorldWinds, Inc. (NASA Crosscutting – RPC) – develop / disseminate chlorophyll composite product – Storm Center Comm., Inc. (ROSES 08) – transition NASA data into EVTT collaboration tool at FEMA, GOMA – GSFC/GMAO (ROSES 08) – LIS development and use of MODIS data – NOAA (GOES-R Proving Ground) – develop/transition proxy ABI/GLM products, training and assessment – Others submitted to ROSES 09 calls transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations

7 Major Accomplishments (since 2007) Outreach via web, blog, Facebook - more visibility to external community – Revamped SPoRT website, Wide World of SPoRT blog in (over 100 posts since March 2009), >100 Facebook fans (mainly NWS) – Utilized MSFC PAO to produce science@nasa articles, NASA Spinoff magazine stories, and other news stories Miscellaneous – Provide quarterly progress reports to 125 sport fans – Developed strategic plan and biennial report – Strengthen SPoRT staff – lightning, liaison, data assimilation – 2 civil service, 1 ENSCO, 2 UAH, Raytheon – Re-established NASA/NOAA MOU for SPoRT collaboration – NWS hiring a shared NWS/NASA transition scientist transitioning unique NASA data and research technologies to operations

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