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Bridge for Beginners Lesson 8 More about Bidding Suits.

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1 Bridge for Beginners Lesson 8 More about Bidding Suits

2 Homework – Hand 1 N 1111Pass  A7543 Q9  K6  AJ62  Q964 J54  JT9  KQ3 N W E S Dealer N S 2222  N has 14 HCP  5 card major  S has 9 HCP  N knows the max HCP is 23 ( 14 + 6-9)  So Passes

3 Homework – Hand 2 N 4 4  A75 Q986  K63  AK6  K96 J9543  QJT  KQ N W E S Dealer S S 1 1 Pass  S has 12 HCP  5 card major  N has 16 HCP  N knows game is on  So Bids it

4 Homework – Hand 3 N 1111 1111Pass  AK64 2  JT98  KJ87  75 J9865  KQ2  T92 N W E S Dealer N S 1 1 2 2   N has 12 HCP + 4441  Bids suit below singleton  S has 6 HCP  N shows the ’s  N shows the  ’s  S opts for N’s first suit

5 Homework – Hand 4 N 4444  KQJ753 A62  87  K5  T9864 K5  A9  AQ97 N W E S Dealer S S 1111Pass  S has 13 HCP  5 card major  N has 13 HCP and a fit  N knows game should be easy  So Bids it

6 Homework – Hand 5 N 1111 2 2  KQJ7 A862  7  K953  A52 KT953  K2  AT7 N W E S Dealer N S 1 1 4 4  N has 13 HCP +4441  Bids suit below singleton  S bids the major  N supports at cheapest level - minimum opener  S bids the game

7 Homework – Hand 6 N 11116NT  KQJ7 AQJ  A76  K92  A52 KT953  K2  AT7 N W E S Dealer S S 1 1 1NT  S has 14 HCP  5 card major  N has 20 HCP  N shows the 4 card major  S shows 15-16 HCP  N bids the slam

8 Homework – Hand 7 N 1111 4444  KQJ7 K86  A76  Q94  A952 JT5  K3  AT72 N W E S Dealer N S 3333Pass  N has 15 HCP  S has 12 HCP  So jumps in the suit  N bids the game

9 Homework – Hand 8 N1NTPass  K98 A86  T76  Q943  52 JT53  AKQT2  A7 N W E S Dealer S S 1111 2222  S has 14 HCP  Opens the longest suit  N has 9 HCP – no suit to bid  S re-bids the minor with no major fit

10 Bidding Suits  We looked at 1 of a suit openings  And some basic responses  This week  Lots more on responses  And then re-bids by opener

11 Responses to 1 of a suit bid  0-5 HCP Pass  6+ HCP BID  Must have 10+ HCP to show a new suit at the 2 level  Otherwise bid a 4+ suit at the 1 level  With no 4+ card suit biddable and 6-9 HCP bid 1NT  With a major suit fit bid according to HCP  With 17+ HCP Jump Shift

12 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You have a fit  You have 4 HCP  What do you bid?  Pass 77 JJ 9 8 5 3 KK 88 66 TT 44 22 33

13 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You have a fit  You have 4 HCP  What do you bid?  Pass 77 JJ 9 8 5 3 KK 88 66 TT 44 22 33

14 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You have a fit  You have 8 HCP  What do you bid?  2  2  With 6-9 HCP and a fit in a major bid 2 of the major 77 JJ A 8 5 3 KK 88 66 TT 44 22 33

15 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You have a fit  You have 8 HCP  What do you bid?  1  1  With 6-9 HCP and a fit in a minor bid another suit at the 1 level if you can 77 JJ A 8 5 3 KK 88 66 TT 44 22 33

16 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You have a fit  You have 8 HCP  What do you bid?  1NT  With 6-9 HCP and a fit in a minor bid with no other suit to bid at the 1 level and a balanced hand 1NT is better than 2 of the minor 77 JJ A 8 5 KK 88 66 TT 44 33 33 22

17 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You do not have a fit  You have 8 HCP  What do you bid? 1111  With 6-9 HCP and no fit bid a higher suit at the 1 level if you can 77 JJ A 8 5 KK 88 66 TT 44 22 33 55

18 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You do not have a fit  You have 8 HCP  What do you bid?  1NT  With 6-9 HCP; no fit and no higher 4 card suit bid 1NT 77 JJ A 8 5 KK 88 66 TT 44 66 33 44

19 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You do not have a fit  You have 9 HCP  What do you bid?  1NT  With 6-9 HCP; no fit and no other suit to bid at the 1 level always bid 1NT  NOT 2 of another suit AA JJ T 8 5 JJ 88 66 TT KK TT 33 22

20 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You have a fit  You have 11 HCP  What do you bid?  3  3  With 10-12 HCP and a fit in a major bid 3 of the major to show the better HCP count and support  Invitational to game 77 JJ A K 5 KK 88 66 TT 44 66 33 4

21 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You have a fit  You have 12 HCP  What do you bid? 1111  With 10+ HCP and a fit in a minor bid another 4+ card suit at the cheapest level available AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ 33 22 JJ TT 44

22 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You have a fit  You have 12 HCP  What do you bid? 2222  With 10+ HCP and a fit in a minor bid another 4+ card suit at the cheapest level available AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ 88 66 JJ TT 22

23 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You have a fit  You have 12 HCP  What do you bid?  2NT  With 10-12 HCP and a fit in a minor with a 4333 shape bid 2NT AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ 88 66 JJ TT 6

24 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You do not have a fit  You have 12 HCP  What do you bid? 1111  With 10+ HCP and no fit bid your longest suit at the cheapest level available AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ 33 22 JJ TT 44

25 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You do not have a fit  You have 12 HCP  What do you bid? 2222  With 10+ HCP and no fit bid your longest suit at the cheapest level available AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ 88 66 JJ TT 44

26 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You do not have a fit  You have 12 HCP  What do you bid?  2NT  With 10-12 HCP; no fit and 4333 shape bid 2NT AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ 88 66 JJ TT 6

27 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You have a fit  You have 14 HCP  What do you bid?  4  4  With 13+ HCP and a fit in a major bid game in the major AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ KK 66 6 5 2

28 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You do not have a fit  You have 14 HCP  What do you bid?  1  1  With 13+ HCP and no fit bid your longest suit at the cheapest level AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ KK 66 6 5 2

29 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You do not have a fit  You have 14 HCP  What do you bid? 2222  With 13+ HCP and no fit bid your longest suit at the cheapest level AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ KK 66 6 33 22

30 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1   You do not have a fit  You have 14 HCP  What do you bid?  3NT  With 13+ HCP no major suit fit and very balanced bid 3NT AA AA T 8 JJ 88 66 QQ KK 66 6 33 44

31 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You do not have a fit  You have 14 HCP  What do you bid?  3NT  With 13+ HCP; no fit and 4333 shape bid 3NT AA AA Q 8 JJ 88 66 QQ 88 66 JJ TT 6

32 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You do not have a fit  You have 14 HCP  What do you bid? 2222  With 13+ HCP and no fit bid your longest suit at the cheapest level AA AA Q 8 JJ 88 66 QQ 88 66 JJ TT 44

33 You hold this hand  Partner has opened 1  Partner has opened 1  You do not have a fit  You have 17 HCP  What do you bid? 3333  With 17+ HCP and no fit jump a level and bid your longest suit  Called a Jump Shift  Showing a strong hand AA AA Q 8 AA 88 66 QQ 88 66 JJ TT 44

34 Responses to 1 of a suit bid  0-5 HCP Pass  6+ HCP BID  Must have 10+ HCP to show a new suit at the 2 level  Otherwise bid a 4+ suit at the 1 level  With no 4+ card suit biddable and 6-9 HCP bid 1NT  With a major suit fit bid according to HCP  With 17+ HCP Jump Shift

35 Re-bids after 1 of a suit opening  Now the options are huge  But here are some rules!  Each re-bid should tell partner more about your hand  And not be confusing!  If you open 1 of a suit and partner bids a different suit you must make a second bid  A re-bid of your opening suit shows 5+ cards in that suit

36 Re-bids  What do you open? 1111  Partner bids 2  Partner bids 2   What do you re-bid? 2222  Your re-bid promises 5+ ’s  Your re-bid promises 5+  ’s  And a weak opener  <16 HCP AA KK 9 8 AA 88 66 QQ 88 66 JJ 44 33

37 Re-bids  What do you open? 1111  Partner bids 2  Partner bids 2   What do you re-bid? 2222  Your re-bid promises 4+ ’s and ’s  Your re-bid promises 4+  ’s and  ’s  And a weak opener  <16 HCP AA KK 9 8 AA 88 66 QQ 88 JJ 44 33 66

38 Re-bids  Re-bid of your first suit at 2 level is weak and shows 5+ cards  Re-bid of suit lower than the first is weak and shows 4+ cards in both suits  Re- bid of partner’s suit at the 2 level is weak and shows 4+ of partner’s suit  New suit at 3 level is strong and shows 4+ of both suits bid 1 - 1  - 2 1  - 2  - 22 1 - 1  - 22 1  - 2  - 33

39 NT Re-bids by opener  With 12 – 14 HCP balanced you open 1NT  With more than 14 balanced you open a suit  And then re-bid NT  This gives a HCP count  So partner can judge the next bid

40 NT Re-bids  16 HCP  What do you open? 1111  Partner bids 1  Partner bids 1  What do you re-bid?  1NT  Your re-bid promises  Balanced hand  15-16 HCP QQ AA K Q KK 88 66 QQ 88 77 8 77 55

41 NT Re-bids  17 HCP  What do you open? 1111  Partner bids 1  Partner bids 1  What do you re-bid?  2NT  Your re-bid promises  Balanced hand  17-18 HCP QQ AA K Q KK 88 66 QQ JJ 77 8 77 55

42 NT Re-bids  19 HCP  What do you open? 1111  Partner bids 1  Partner bids 1  What do you re-bid?  3NT  Your re-bid promises  Balanced hand  19 HCP KK AA K Q KK 88 66 QQ QQ 77 8 77 55

43 Telling Partner you have a strong hand  When you re-bid  With 17+ HCP (and often 16)  You must tell partner that you have a strong hand  Jump Shift  Reverse  New suit at 3 level

44 Jump Shift  19 HCP  You open 1  You open 1   Partner bids 1  Partner bids 1  What do you re-bid? 3333  Your re-bid promises  5+ ’s; 4+ ’s; 17+HCP  5+  ’s; 4+  ’s; 17+HCP  A Jump Shift  Forcing for 1 round  Partner MUST bid KK KK A AA QQ JJ TT QQ 99 77 55 66 33

45 Reverse  18 HCP  You open 1  You open 1   Partner bids 2  Partner bids 2   What do you re-bid? 2222  If you bid a new suit beyond 2 of your opening suit  This is a REVERSE  Strong and Forcing KK AA 6 KK QQ JJ QQ QQ JJ 77 99 33 88

46 New Suit at 3 level  18 HCP  You open 1  You open 1   Partner bids 2  Partner bids 2  What do you re-bid? 3333  If you bid a new suit at the 3 level  Strong and Forcing  It is normally a Reverse KK AA 6 KK QQ JJ QQ QQ JJ 77 99 88 55

47 Summary  You must re-bid to show relative weakness or strength  A strong bid is forcing for 1 round and partner MUST NOT pass  If you know game is on and what it should be  Then Bid It!

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