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Coastal Optical Characterization Experiment (COCE) Activities at STAR NOAA 2013 Satellite Conference, April 7-12, 2013 M. Ondrusek,

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal Optical Characterization Experiment (COCE) Activities at STAR NOAA 2013 Satellite Conference, April 7-12, 2013 M. Ondrusek,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal Optical Characterization Experiment (COCE) Activities at STAR NOAA 2013 Satellite Conference, April 7-12, 2013 M. Ondrusek,, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, College Park, MD, United States. E. Stengel,, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, College Park, MD, United States. SUMMARY The Coastal Optical Characterization Experiment (COCE) is an ongoing project at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Satellite Oceanography and Climatology Division. The primary goals of COCE are satellite ocean color validation and application development. The COCE group has been validating all ocean color sensors since the SeaWiFS sensor launch in 1997 by measuring in situ the water leaving radiances seen by the satellite. Currently, this effort concentrates on the initialization and validation of the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) VIIRS sensor aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) sensor. The performance of the sensor is evaluated by presenting comparisons between ground truth measurements and VIIRS retrievals made off Florida, Hawaii and in the Chesapeake Bay. The application development effort focuses on developing new ocean color satellite remote sensing tools for monitoring relevant coastal ocean parameters. A COCE developed high-resolution Total Suspended Matter (TSM) algorithm is used to monitor several high sediment runoff events in the Chesapeake Bay including the record runoff event following Tropical Storm Lee in the Fall of 2011. An experimental TSM loading algorithm is also presented. These COCE activities improve the utility of ocean color satellite data in monitoring and analyzing coastal and oceanic processes. D) ) E) Band Old NASA - New NASA Hyperpro - New NASA Hyperpro - NRL Hyperpro - NOAA 410-6.991.503.48-16.56 443-9.363.181.05-14.13 488-8.383.933.38-8.16 551-19.311.4036.27-15.39 671-30.70-8.81158.79-22.56 average 410 to 551-11.012.5011.05-13.56 Cross plot of in-situ vs VIIRS for Chesapeake Bay. Cross plot of in-situ vs VIIRS for Hawaii. Band Avg. % diff. Hyperpro - New NASA Std. Dev. of % diff. Hyperpro - New NASA 41065.98113.88 443-49.9953.63 488-46.3524.05 551-35.1015.69 671-33.4716.35 average 443 to 671-41.23 Average and Std. Dev of the percent differences between Hyperpro in-situ and VIIRS (new NASA) for Chesapeake Bay. Sample dates include 10/11/12, 11/2/12, 1/7/13, and 1/10/13. N = 12. Averages of the percent differences between Hyperpro in-situ and VIIRS for Hawaii, Sept. 2012 comparing different processings. Sample dates include 9/11/12, 9/12/12, and 9/15/12. N = 6. Chesapeake Bay FY13 Matchups Inland water validation – 14 Stations VIIRS OCEAN COLOR VALIDATION Spectral nLw data normalized to the nLw maximum to emphasize the spectral differences between the red tide spectra (red) and spectra collected outside the bloom (green). Microscopic photo of Cochlodinium polykrikoides collected August 16 th, 2011 in the Elisabeth River (photos courtesy of Sharyn Hedrick, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center). Cell counts exceeded 4000 cells/ml. Aug. 17 th Chl imagery of the Norfolk region Imagery concentrations exceeded 200 mg/m 3. No clear imagery was available for Aug 16 th. JDAYDate 2011 TSM conc. Surf. to Bottom TSM conc. Surf to 10mDifference% DiffSediment Load allSediment Load 10mn pixels (Metric Ton) 623-Mar4348903676236726815.47177261 7617-Mar115272995243520029417.38759867622207176429 25512-Sep195176717636791880889.6415589061433451124134 25613-Sep2848646244323240541414.2324557842113004139940 25714-Sep3397808284692655088216.2130049462516698161356 3051-Nov3508332928345799916.53124368 Normal sediment load = average day 62 and 305 =392862330228 Sept. 10Sept. 11 Sept. 12Sept. 13Sept. 14 Hypro vs IDPS Hypro vs L2GEN ASD vs L2genASD vs IDPSASD vs Aqua Hyperpro vsAqua ch r2sloper2sloper2sloper2sloper2sloper2slope 4100.86280.87520.90711.01770.84140.96390.83640.79940.57531.20160.45751.2782 4430.98480.93290.98480.90580.94680.90720.97660.91250.92020.96920.89220.9796 4880.99810.97720.99640.97620.97351.05030.99120.99640.98880.91150.99140.8727 5510.98950.96030.98500.98380.96351.11980.97591.07670.98040.92810.97790.873 6710.99530.73620.99590.93680.89921.00560.96130.73270.97120.5760.97920.6486 Southern Florida Cruise – February 28 – March 2, 2012 Coastal water validatoin - 9 clear validation stations were achieved and compared to NRL, L2GEN and MODIS Aqua. Honolulu, Hawaii Cruise – September 8 – 21, 2013 Blue water validation - 28 Station occupied Mean daily discharge rates from the Conowingo Dam in cubic feet per second. Data from: Data collection dates range from 10/1/1967 to present. March 3 Normal conditions March 7 Beginning of Event March 13 TSM load increasing March 17 Maximum extent of plume March 19 Plume begins to recede March 22 Plume continues to recede March 26 Plume continues to recede March 27 Plume continues to recede March 29 Plume continues to recede Pict of sampling MODIS AquaNRL VIIRSIDPS VIIRS.01.05.3 1.6 8.4 45 Chlorophyll (mg/m3) New Analytical Laboratory for Validation Measurements Room 3755 NCWCP Satlantic HYPERPRO Primary radiance validation instrument VIIRS Validation Summary In open ocean waters, in situ matchups indicate that VIIRS ocean color sensor is performing to near heritage quality. More work is needed to assess the coastal and inland performance. Chlorophyll performance (left) is sensitive to relative band performance and therefore reflects uncertainty in the Bay radiance measurements. SPECTRAL CHARACTERIZATION OF RED TIDES IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY SEDIMENT RUNOFF INTO THE CHESAPEAKE BAY Use Total Suspended Matter (TSM) Imagery Developed at STAR to Monitor the Sources and Evolution of Runoff Events in the Chesapeake Bay March 2012 Spring Runoff Event Surface TSM Concentrations in mg/l September 2012 Runoff Event Following Tropical Storm Lee Surface TSM Concentrations in mg/l Sediment Runoff in the Northern Chesapeake Bay is Related to Susquehanna River Flow March 2012Sept. 2012 The Calculation of Total Instantanious Sediment Loads (TSM) into the Chesapeake Bay in Metric Tons Characterize sediment distributions with depth using in situ sampling, runoff limited to top 10m. March 3 March 17 November 1 September 12 September 13 September 14 Calculate total sediment per pixel in kg Sum all pixels in a region (red box in bay) to estimate total sediment in bay then subtract normal day from event day to calculate total instantaneous sediment load for that day.

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