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Aluminum probe carrier body Aluminum drive tube -assembled in sections, this provides up/down and rotational motion control of probe Fiber optic/ electrical.

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Presentation on theme: "Aluminum probe carrier body Aluminum drive tube -assembled in sections, this provides up/down and rotational motion control of probe Fiber optic/ electrical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aluminum probe carrier body Aluminum drive tube -assembled in sections, this provides up/down and rotational motion control of probe Fiber optic/ electrical cable bundle to external spectrometer Optical inspection camera Reflectance probe Brush – to remove snow from tube ahead of probes Aluminum sleeve (modified Federal Sampler) with machined slits for lateral viewing Not shown here is a thin clear polycarbonate sleeve that fits just inside the aluminum sleeve to keep snow from spilling into the slits

2 base plate. – screws into top sleeve section Aluminum sleeve section (modified Federal Sampler) Aluminum drive tube Cable bundle Thumb screws. -provide clamping force to fix drive tube position clamp

3 Arrow shows reflectance probe and optical camera viewing direction. -probes view snow laterally through staggered slits in sleeve Drive mechanism allows probes to be moved vertically and rotated in sleeve, then locked in place during measurements Reflectance probe and optical camera view snow laterally Drive and clamp mechanism Electrical and fiber optic bundle to spectrometer

4 Example of field deployment showing approximate size of instrument (not including field spectrometer to which fiber optic cable attaches)

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